

Hello to you all,
just a little information about myself. I have a 1 metre motorised dish connected to a Clarke Tech HD 5100-C. I use its loop through to allow me to also use a Canal Digital box when the dish is parked at one west.

I can see from 85.2 east to 31.5 west. The very ends of the arc are cut off by the earth as I live in a slight dip. There is a big tree which blocks out 42, 40 and 39 east during the summer. After the leaves have gone in a month or so I'll be able to see how much it has grown and if I can still see those satellites.

Over the years I have owned quite a few satellite receivers but only have those two at the moment. I bought my latest Clarke Tech as I used to have a CT 2100 a while back and liked it.

Other now sold on receivers include a couple of Nokias, a Samsung & an Azbox and two others whose names I can't even remember.

Not much else to add except my location which is the south coast of Finland.


Well Known Member
Hi M8

