HD Glass 16 ver. 1.02
- based on HD Glass 15 with new code, no more editining sys files...
- you can configure via Menu->Setup->Setup Glass16:
- black picon Providers and Sat by ftryskac, thx
Enable permenent extrainfobar (change applied after restart GUI)
Enable show address In ECM
Enable Enhanced infobar ( show detailed ecm info, ecm line info auto changed to available caid and used caid from ecm, and bitrate - if enabled)
Enable bitrate
Change type if icons (mean ecm and base icons) - after change GUI is autorestarted
this is an universal skin ready for any image meets sys compatibility with DMM image
thanks shamann®
- based on HD Glass 15 with new code, no more editining sys files...
- you can configure via Menu->Setup->Setup Glass16:
- black picon Providers and Sat by ftryskac, thx
Enable permenent extrainfobar (change applied after restart GUI)
Enable show address In ECM
Enable Enhanced infobar ( show detailed ecm info, ecm line info auto changed to available caid and used caid from ecm, and bitrate - if enabled)
Enable bitrate
Change type if icons (mean ecm and base icons) - after change GUI is autorestarted
this is an universal skin ready for any image meets sys compatibility with DMM image
thanks shamann®
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