Gp3 Installation problem


Hi there.

Just upgraded my Dm8000, Has been running Gemini 5.1 for the past year or two.
Anyway, i see that Gemini now use a ICVS or CVS base image then load on there Gp3 plugin pakage.
Pretty good and fairly straight forward i thought !.

Heres my problem.

I flash the box with the most recent iCVS image (Late 2011 Release).
Download the latest revision of Gp3 plugin, and FTP that over the the root directory of the Dm8000.
Using Blue button, i enter local extension installation and highlight the Gp3 plugin file.. Press Green button to install, and get a prompt for succesfull installation of plugin.

Then i exit out and go to the Plugin menu, where Gp3 panel install option is.. I press that, and get a prompt saying installing, then Reboot.
After the box reboots, using the blue button doesnt give me the new Gp3 panel.

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?.
What am i doing wrong ?


Ren - Downunder