FTP problems for AZbox PremiumHd


I have the following problems and I am in internet receiver can not login with ftp and Telnet while connected uniformity the same problem?


fix for total commander

Here is some information on how to use the ssl/tls feature. Because of the Swiss crypto export laws, I cannot include the openssl dlls in the install package.

1. Get the compiled OpenSSL package from the LibCurl library:
Please scroll down to the section named "Win32 - Generic"
and download the following package (or a newer one):
Win32 2000/XP 7.19.0 libcurl SSL enabled Günter Knauf 1.54 MB

2. Copy the two dlls libssl32.dll and libeay32.dll from the "bin" subdir of the archive to the Total Commander directory.
3. Now you can make connections with prefix ftps:// and https://

There will appear a red open locker for connections because the root certificates are missing. To get the root certificates of Verisign, Thawte etc, do the following:
1. Start Internet Explorer and open its configuration dialog
2. Go to the page "Content"
3. Click on "Certificates"
4. Go to the last page "Trusted root certificate authorities"
5. Select all certificates
6. Click on"Export"
7. As name, enter: rootcerts
8. Confirm with Next/OK. This creates a file rootcerts.p7b
9. Issue the following two commands to convert to openssl format:

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -in rootcerts.p7b -print_certs -out unfiltered.pem
openssl x509 -in unfiltered.pem -out rootcert.pem

10. Put the file rootcert.pem in the Total Commander directory
Author of Total Commander
