firewall V2 DM500 - DM7000


Senior Member
firewall v2 easy setup for gbox by OniK


firewall v2 easy setup for gbox by OniK


      script made by agecanonixeg      


this is an quick easy setup please read 

       the readme for full infos


- backup /var/bin/

- put :

in /var/bin and chmod 755

- if you want some log edit

line 48 :

#	echo 1 > $GBOXFILE

Just remove the # to active firewall log.

log will be in /var/tmp/gbox_restart.log

- put :



in /var/etc and chmod 644

In firewall.dyndns you must put all dyndns with dynamic IP.

In firewall.users you must put all static IP 

(including the IP of your peers who have static IP)

- if you don't use crontabs :

telnet via dcc ...

contrab -e "enter"

press escape button on your keyboard

type command :wq "enter"

put root file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs and check the rights

they must be 600 (rw-------)

- if you are already using crontabs :

just add the line in the existing root file using command crontab -e

- To start firewall :

blue button 

select system settings

service to run 

select firewall and crond


-For info existing commands are : stop start restart

now says byebye attacks........

V2 scripts for firewall.


!   B E F O R E   U S E   R E A D   A L L   T H I S   C A R E F U L Y   !


Optimized for gbox Emu use.

============================= W A R N I N G =============================

All the scripts can be modify with an editor

but this must be done directly on the DM under linux

to keep the special linux characters compatibility.

If you don't, the scripts can be not executed.

Exist one solution to edit those scripts with a

standard editor on PC.

After editing the script, put it in its place

on DM with ftp tool. Then open DCC, use telnet

on DM. Use cd command to go to the place where has

been put the file. And then type this command:

dos2unix "file name".

Like this the scripts will be back to linux

characters set, and good to be execute.


Those scripts are only for pli jade image on DM500 - DM 7000

for others dreambox with pli jade image they may need

an adjustment (path).

For other images (nabilo, etc...), they need

to have, like pli, iptables package on it

because i use iptables and crontab.

The scripts are ready to use. But if you use an Emu

or Gbox you need to open and update the file

Firts of all you need to backup existing script


In my package there are 3 scripts you must

put in /var/bin and chmod 755

For using antoher emu than gbox


in line 11 you have


just change the name gbox with the one you use.

To know its real name, search with ftp tool

(filezilla for example) and go to


you will see the script name that launch your Emu

it's this name needed.

In the begining i advise you to let the line 45

#        RESTARTEMU="1"

with the # (comment).

Like this, the Emu won't restart each time an IP change for a dyndns.

For gbox optmization, i add one more script (from V1)

I did this because, using firewall and gbox i

noticed than sometimes gbox didn't update the

client ip after a change. So i wrote this new script

and modify others to restart gbox after an hour if

the client's IP had changed in firewall and didn't

in gbox. This option is disable by default.

To enable it you must edit

in line 48 you'll have

#	echo 1 > $GBOXFILE

Just remove the # to uncomment the line.

I advise you to do this modification.

This script creates /var/tmp/gbox_restart.log

where it put logs, if you want to know

when and why gbox has restarted, just have a look in this

file. If you want to modify the time beetween an

ip modification and the restart of Emu you can update

the line 13 in

if [ $ETAT != 12 ]; then

Just change the number, the default is 12 (1 hour)

The algorithm is 12*5 min=60 min, if you add 1 (13 instead of 12 default)

that will be 13*5 min=65 min.

I have tested and the default is nice i think.

In the package you'll see 3 other files

firewall.dyndns, firewall.users and root.

In firewall.dyndns you must put all dyndns with dynamic IP.

In firewall.users you must put all static IP (including the IP of your peers

who have static IP). Those files are given as example.

You must put them in /var/etc and chmod them 644.

The LAN is inlude in the firewall but you should

add all your IP for your LAN too (better for newcs).

The root files contains the right command needed

in crontabs. If you don't use crontabs

first, on telnet with dcc, type the command contrab -e

then press escape button on keyboard and type :wq (enter)

after put root file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs and verify the rights

They must be 600 (rw-------).

For the one who use crontab add just the line in the

existing file on telnet with dcc, using the command crontab -e.

To start firewall use blue button,

select system settings, go to

service to run and select firewall and crond

then save and exit. The firewall and crontabs will

start. You can control your firewall

using telnet with dcc. Type the command status give status of firewall.

To update your dyndns and fixed IP.

First use telnet on dcc and type command stop (to stop the firewall).

just add or remove something in files

firewall.dyndns or in firewall.users.

After, use telnet on dcc and type command start before restarting Emu.

That will be enough to update the firewall

no more action is needed.

For info other existing commands are stop start restart

If you want to stop definitively the firewall and crontabs

you must use blue button or it will restart

automaticaly after reboot of DreamBox.

My scripts create several files in /tmp

don't delete them.

Enjoy and good bye attacks........