ferguson arriva 150combo...


Senior Member
Ariva can't open Idman TV during football transmissions. But there is a trick. It is possible to connect to vPlug Server EMU via e.g. CCCAM. You need vPlug Server. First of all you have to click "vPlug Server Options". Here you can set the CCCAM version. I would recommend to use 2.0.11. Next the CCCAM Server IP is set which is the internal IP address of your PC on the home network assigned by DHCP automatically. After that, a CCCAM Server Port is assigned. You can choose it freely.

Afterwards go on as follows:
* Click "Edit User" and enter a username and password (e.g. user1, Pass ABC, Reshare 5).
* Click "Edit CARDS" and add Card Name, Card CAID and Provider ID to the simulated card you wish to.

On your Ariva receiver go to "Network Local Setting" under Tools and select CCCAM as App and push the red button on your remote controller in order to access the CCCAM menu. Now enter the IP address of your PC as well as the "Server Port" which was assigned before. Then enter your login details under "User" (for example user1) and "Password" (for example ABC).




In the case of Idman TV:
first you have to add a new simulated card for CAID 0D00 with Provider 000,000.

Inf,o: C000,00270 [20:15:17.687] E-CM request: 0D00/000,000/05E8/E0D47F29 for Shar,eID: 000,00070 CHANNEL 1 RUSSIA
In-fo: Server [20:15:17.687] E,CM can not be decry,pted because card with Sha,reID 000,00070 and CAID 0D00 has no ProviderID 000,000 defined!

The output Provider 000,000 from your Ariva receiver is completely wrong and shouldn't match the keys but since "Sha,reID" is correct, it works.

Inf,o: C00,00022C [20:53:06.296] EC,M request: 0D00/000,000/05E8/130320DE for Sh,areID: 000,00075 CHANNEL 1 RUSSIA
Error: Module [20:53:06.296] No Provider ID in CW-EC,M
I,nfo: Server [20:53:06.312] E,CM decry-pted by vPlug Module
Inf,o: C0000,022C [20:53:06.312] EC,M successfully decr,ypted by Shar,eID 000,00075 (19) , EC,M Nr.: 109

Even when the receiver's EMU is active, it doesn't affect vPlug. So you can leave it turned on if you want to.

Just extract the file and copy Cryptoworks.mdl into plugins/vModules or if you already have a file named like this, just replace it with the new file. https://www.sendspace.com/file/4ra1ma

Good luck :thum:
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Well Known Member
Just copy the unpacked file to USB-stick,
-on USB-stick is only one file with name "key" allowed

in Ariva at "Tools" - "Upgrade By USB" switch "Upgrade Mode" with left / right until you see "key.db"
Then down to "Start" and press Ok.


hello brother, I can also tell by the firmware link to which I can entrust to put biss key? hello thanks:)


Well Known Member
Don't know if i understand your question correctly.
You mean the key.db from link? Yes you can update, add od delete biss keys in it and load it to the receiver.

It's compatible to all ariva models, an alternative solution in case of perhabs missing keys in the firmware V1.26B5*.