enigma2 20130907 (master) -> 20130927


Super VIP
enigma2 20130907 (master) -> 20130927 (master)
- added ac3+ support (requires hw drivers with ac3+ support)
- improved storing config files on write-back enabled filesystems (ubifs, ext2, ext3 ....)
- fixed some upnp issues (special char/umlaut issues, servers not showing up, minor fixes)
- fixed subtitle synchronization (was broken on skip fwd/bwd since mkv deadlock fix)
- fixed BlinkingLabel (thanks to Kashmir)
- fixed crash on timer-based deepstandby wakeup
- fixed shutdown on radio services with RASS
- fixed software update on dm500hd / dm800se with external update tool
(to get automatic updates again, an update via telnet/ssh shell is required once)