e2 installation guide


Most of these guides are incomplete. I will post a comprehensive guide to booting E2 from USB or HDD tomorrow. This involves Three distinct steps: 1) Applying Multiboot capability via Firmware Flash Update. 2) Setting up the image on USB / HDD drive. 3) Setting up the environment via NULL modem serial cable from COM port to Serial CONSOLE connection on IP BOX. This step is critical - and logging should be enabled in PUTTY to verify any errors - should there be any. Because my guide will be in clear / clean English, it would be impossible to go wrong. Need time to prepare the guide - will post this tomorrow!


E2 on USB / HDD Definitive Installation Guide

E2 on USB / HDD Definitive Installation Guide


Requirements: UBOOT 1.3.1 (IO firmware installed)
FLASHFXP utility to connect to Set-top box via FTP
PUTTY – for telnet & serial connectivity
Serial NULL Modem cable – (9-pin to 9-pin Female -2– Female cable) £1-£2 @ebay
Laptop - with one Serial COM port.

(The COM Port must be configured to 115200 Bits per second in Device Manager & in PUTTY)
My preference is to use PC & Laptop with Windws XP or Windows 2000 – because I do not like Windows VISTA – because you always have to select to allow software to run when you are trying to do something.

Step #A

A) To begin with – you must have UBOOT 1.3.1 or later, installed in your box: All recent images are 1.3.1 or better.

Review this post (link below) – depending on whether you have Revo, Mini or NewMini:


Use the flash image that is relevant to your box found in the ZIP file provided by the more senior SU member K@lkov. E.g. If you have the 900HD – use that IMG-file (usb_config.welcome900.img). & 910HD & 9000HD, etc. I found that only these multi-boot images worked for me.

Copy the IMG file, eg. “usb_config.welcome9000.img” to the \tmp - folder in the Cuberevo via FTP.

I always use FLASHFXP tool to do this – you and use whichever ftp tool that tickles your fancy.

NB: I strongly recommend that NLB base image (9207 or Later – I used 9580) be used – however Sifteam or DGS can obviously work as well. For NLB image – I simply connect to Web interface from my PC and do a FIRMWARE update. This function will automatically apply the IMG file that is in the TMP folder. Not all firmware updates are supported via WEB interface in this manner but this little update is supported like this. “Done”- will be displayed in LCD display of receiver – simply re-start / reboot the receiver.

AFTER CUBEREVO is restarted -- continue to Step #2

Step #B

B) ( Instructions taken from BADEYEAH ) Except that I use EXT2 linux format instead of EXT3 which is slower.
Depending on which image you use – you will need to authenticate in FLASHFXP each time you connect to the set-top box. The NLB settings for authentication are:

USER: root
PW’D: relook

If you do not have ESATA or SATA HDD then usb will be “sda1” or sda1 & sda2 if yore usb has two partitions.

1. Boot your NLB / Sifteam / DGS image, wait to full boot.
2. Insert your USB stick
3. Telnet to your box, execute mount
4. In the list check - if the /dev/sdb1 is mounted (if is FAT probably is mounted to /mnt/usb/usb0)
5. umount it - umount /mnt/usb/usb0
6. now execute fdisk /dev/sdb (not sdb1)
7. on the prompt press p - to see current partition table
8. press d - to delete partitions, if it is only one proceed, if not - press d again and delete all partitons
9. press p again - there will be no partitons now
10. Press n - to create new partition
11. select p - primary
12. select 1
13. press enter, enter
14. press w to write changes & exit
15. You have just created linux partition on your usb stick
16. Now format this partition - mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb1
17. mount formatted partition again - mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb/usb0
18. Now ftp e2.tar.gz to /mnt/usb/usb0 (I used FLASHFXP to do this)
19. execute cd /mnt/usb/usb0
20. execute tar -zxvf e2.tar.gz, wait few minutes to decompress all. (wait for prompt)
21. after decompress type, sync

to unmount just

cd /
umount /dev/sdb1
Switch OFF IPbox and make sure that you proceed as follows:

Leave USB in the box, connect serial cable from laptop to CubeRevo / Mini or NewMini and start your Laptop.

Run PUTTY and configure SERIAL COM connection with speed of 115200. You can call this connection REVO while you are at it for future CONSOLE debugging and click on SAVE within PUTTY.

Console connection is DIRECT and does not require authentication.

Step #C
C) Ensure that IP Box is switched off & the E2 image installed on USB single EXT2 partition (I used 2Gb stick) – leave USB stick connected (no need to remove USB after UMOUNT command).
Connect serial cable between Laptop / PC and SET TOP box and run PUTTY as specified above.
Blank Black screen will open with one green cursor blinking.

Hold down CTRL + Z on your keyboard with one hand while you switch on the IPBox with the other hand.
Wait until you see that CONSOLE appears on LCD display of Ipbox.

The Putty screen will change to “Cuberevo>” or “cuberevo-mini>” prompt very quickly.

NEXT  Be very careful how you do the next tasks because these are the most important to succeed in getting this setup to work – do not worry tho – it will all work fine.

Copy and paste the following without any space at the start and end of Text selection then press ENTER in PUTTY console window – remember to change sdb1 to sda1 depending on if you have HDD or not ->

Copy and paste after *line below:

setenv menu_1 'setenv bootargs "console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 root=/dev/mtdblock3 bigphysarea=1500";setenv bootcmd "bootm a0060000";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE - you may get an error message saying “’setenv’ is not recognised command. Simply ignore this and re-paste the same text again and press ENTER again. This second time – there is no error message.

Next copy and paste again after * line below:

setenv menu_2 'setenv ipaddr;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootide "run bootargside;ide reset;ext2load ide 0:2 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargside "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sda2 rw rootfstype=ext2 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr::$gateway:$netmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootide";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE again and everything will be fine – no error message.

Next copy and paste again after * line below:

setenv menu_3 'setenv ipaddr;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootusb "run bootargsusb;usb reset;ext2load usb 0:1 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargside "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sda2 rw rootfstype=ext2 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr::$gateway:$netmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootusb";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE again and everything will be fine – no error message

Type “saveenv” without quotes “” in console and press ENTER. – you will see a screen similar to below:

cuberevo-mini> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash...
Un-Protected 1 sectors
Erasing Flash...
Erased 1 sectors
Writing to Flash... done
Protected 1 sectors

-**** Now are done. Simply restart your box using On / Off switch and press 3 to start from USB with HDD or 1 to start from Original DGS / NLB / SIF flash image. You can add more menu items or change numbering as you need - so long as you understand the STARTUP parameters.


Really nice guide.

I have some questions for you.

1. The boot option 2 you are preparing is for booting e2 from the intenal hdd?
2. what is the purpose/need for the ip address/netmask/gateway options in boot option 2 and 3 (in my lan i use a different address space)
3. How do you select the default boot menu option (the one selected if you don't press anything)
4. Is there a uboot 1.3.x command reference manual?

Thank you for your excellent post.


Simples (like the MEERKAt) the last option you choose becomes the Default. Lets say for example - you install this multiboot SHEBANG and you don't press anything, then your box will continue to boot DGS/SIF/NLB, whatever you had before.

If you switch-off box, then hold down Button_3 when switching on again for about 5-7 sec - then USB will boot and your box will continue to boot USB until you press another button when switching on. I.E When you PRESS a button - that boot option gets FLASHED into the IOS in a semi-permanent way until you change what you want to have the BOX boot up with.

Hope that makes sense. I generally use NLB by default and only switch to option 3 to experiment. I have not installed to HDD yet because I have lots of HD Recordings from BBC HD that I do not want to mess up. Setting up HDD is simple but is best done if you format HDD into 2 Primary partitions of EXT2 and use First PARTITION For say E1 and 2nd Partition for media / Divx etc.

NET Mask ( standard for Private IP addressing where 192.168.x.x is used. You need to substitute IP addresses for your IP address according to your network configuration. Gateway is simply your Router IP address.

No reference manual available here - I just look at the CONSTRUCT and understand a bit. You can TYPE HELP when in CONSOLE mode in PUTTY when connected via Serial cable to the IP BOX. Hope that answers all your Q's. Bye for now.


Missed one of your Questions - BOOT option 2 is to boot from internal HDD - However, you can change this to 3. and change Boot option 3 to 2. Example above has Menu_3 - boot from USB. You the FLASHER must choose which number you want to use for each option. For example - you can leave out Boot_Option 2 if you are not setting up HDD. Or leave off 3 if not using USB, etc. Come on - you must get the Drift by now!!!???


Thank you for your answers.

I still don't understand why it is needed to set ip address/netmask/gateway in the boot loader. latest e2 images have dhcp client. I'll try to omit them to see what will happen.


You know Malakudi - you are right, it uses DHCP. But it really does not HURT to leave them in. You can exclude them; it is just that I elected to leave them in - and I use the IP address that my Box usually gets from the DHCP server (or gateway - which is my router).


Any easier way?

I have read the guide a couple of times now and I can´t help thinking: "Where the hell should I start?"
Well, obviously at the top of the guide but is there not an easier way to install e2?
A couple of more questions:
1. If I fail to install e2 and the flashing goes wrong, is my cuberevo useless and beyond all saving?
2. Is recording AND timeshift working with e2?
3. about EPG-data, I use webepg and swedb-data to have epg for swedish channels, does e2 support this?
