If anyone have suceeded to generate new drivers / kernel?
How do I do this? I will do so:
1) From sourceforge Download Snapshot. Do not worry, this generation takes a lot of time but eventually it will succeeded!
You will get the last Tree [r94] / committed by Mr. svenluebke, the file
2) Unpack qboxhd-code-94-trunk.zip on your Linux computer
3) From the console go to the folder where located the Makefile
4) Type the command
make help
urmas@urmas-Aspire-V5-573G:~/Allalaadimised/qboxhd-code-94-trunk$ make help
You will get a response alternatives on how to get the software to create:
Generic build targets:
all - Build it all
menuconfig - Configures kernel build
xconfig - Graphically configures kernel build
kernel - Build kernel
modules - Build all drivers
modules_install - Install all drivers
Driver build targets:
stmfb - Build Frame Buffer modules
multicom - Build multicom modules
frontends - Build frontends modules
e2proc - Build e2 proc/ module
lcd - Build LCD module
lpc - Build LPC module
fpanel - Build front panel module
scart - Build SCART module
qboxhd_generic - Build generic module
Applications build targets:
enigma2 - Build enigma2
Clean build targets:
clean - Remove all modules except kernel build
distclean - Remove the whole build directory
Build everything for the QBoxHD mini:
make BOARD=qboxhd_mini all
Build the kernel for the QBoxHD mini:
make BOARD=qboxhd_mini kernel
Build and install frontends drivers for the QBoxHD:
make BOARD=qboxhd frontends
make BOARD=qboxhd frontends_install
Build enigma2:
make BOARD=qboxhd enigma2
5) Samples of the same variety of commands from the console in command line:
$ make BOARD=qboxhd_mini all
$ make BOARD=qboxhd stmfb
$ make BOARD=qboxhd_mini all
$ make BOARD=qboxhd_mini frontends
What are your results? I get unfortunately some error messages that I do not know what to do with it :-( I do not have managed to generate any of those things fully.