Dreambox ReStream tool


Super VIP
Just after release of version 1.4 I and others noticed some bugs. 
These should be fixed now.

A problem was that the XAJAX framework debugging was running. 
And that can be quit annoying.
A transcoding problem, which made it impossible to stream. Except H.264. 
Which is not correct ofcourse.

And a new feature is that the Wowza server can now be another server 
than the webserver.

Here you can download the PHP code for the server part. This code is 
based on PHP5 and object oriented. So you need at lease PHP 5 installed 
on your webserver. Got reports of working systems on both Windows and
 Linux. Get your version right now (06-07-2008)

06-07-2008 (v1.4.1):
* Bug fixed in the VLC command. Side effect of the H.264 addition.
* Disabled XAJAX framework debugging
* New setting for the Wowza Server location. Look at the settings file.

24-06-2008 (v1.4):
Version 1.3 is never really released. So jump to version 1.4
* Added flash H.264 support through Wowza Media
* Fixed programguide
* Added ggrab.exe option for windows
* Some tweaking on mobile streaming. Should work on an iPhone
* Auto play when VLC is already transcoding.

11-02-2008 (v1.2):
* Recordings from an enigma1 are being played. (Or should be, isn't tested yet)

09-02-2008 (v1.2):
* Playback of recordings (enigma2 only)
* Play video over IPv6 if available

19-01-2008 (v1.1):
* Add boutiques, channel and programguide loading on an enigma1 dreambox
* Able to watch some television
* Fixed boutiques and channel pulldowns in IE6, and other IE7/6 html issues

18-01-2008 (v1.1):
* Updated the Dreambox online check. It should now work on windows as wel


Staff member
Dreambox Restream 1.4.2


* Some changes in the controls. They should now not move to the bottom of the page
* Fixed a error message about ->getID(); This was a session caching issue.
* Added: loading EPG of the current channel when the stream is still running and you are entering for the first time.
* Updated to XAJAX framework 0.5.
* Added the channel name to the tvguide titel
* Some minor issues.....


Staff member
Dreambox Restream 1.4.3 (Finaly!!)

July 2010 update

Dreambox Restream 1.4.3!!!

Some new features are:
* Added authorization, so you can put Dreambox Restream in 'private' modus. So you can watch a movie without being interupted by other viewers.
* Added a tooltip on the program guide. So hover over the program title to get a small summary from that program.
* Added the latest Longtail video player (5.2)

This version took so long time because I was bussy with work and social live. So I had not much spare time to work in this software. And also I was waiting for the final Wowza Media Server 2 version. It is now needed for Dreambox Restream. The good thing it is free for personal use.

Here are the instructions

Setting it all up

Now we got all parts, we can set it up.

Server part:

Install VLC according the installation instructions. On a Debian based system you can use apt-get install vlc. It will everything what is needed to run VLC. On a windows system you should be double clicking the file and follow the instructions. Just remember where you installed it or that you are able to find the VLC executable file.

Also you need to install Wowza Media Server.
This is a free (personal use) flash (and more) streaming server. Download
Download the software and ask for a free 10 connections license.
Unfortunally you cannot use it for iPhone streaming. That is limited in the free version.

The xajax framework is now included in the Dreambox Restream software package.

Unzip the DreamboxRestream software somewhere in your webroot where you are able to reach with you web client.
After unzipping you have to set some settings in the file Settings.class.php. All settings are documentated in the settings file.

Finally copy the files in the folder wowza to your Wowza media installation. Change the url in the file aliasmap.dreambox.play.txt. This has to be the same value as the variable '$vlcWanIP'. After that, restart your wowza server.


Staff member
Dreambox Restream 2.0a

A complete new rewritten version of Dreambox ReStream is available. It is still an alpha version, but it should be pretty stable.This version has a different code base, and has a different look. This version also supports streaming of your movies on disk like it were Dreambox recordings.The iPhone support is still a bit buggy, but you should get a nice page when you use your iPhone / Blackberry on ReStream 2.0 


It took some time to make a new version of ReStream. It is stil in alpha version, but pretty stable doh. So you can download it right now.
There is an install.html file to help you install the software. Open that file in your browser, fill in all the questions and it should provide a nice manual for installing. There could be some issues on a Windows server.


Staff member
Dreambox ReStream 2.0 b1

[B]A short list of the much fixes and new features:[/B]

* Better enigma web interface parsing. Fixes a lot of issues on Enigma1 systems
* Added setting for Enigma web interface port. Make it more flexibel
* New installation wizard. Hopefully is this one beter than the first version. Feedback is appreciated
* Full Wowza Media Server 2 support. With a valid license of Wowza Media Server 2 you will have live iPhone streaming. (and soon Smooth Streaming)
* Multi bit rate support. You can now create up to three streams with different bit rate. Can go up to 4Mbps. (needs a lot of CPU power Sticking out tongue )
* Better support for mobile phones. Should work on Blackberrys and Android phones. (Mobile interface can be a bit slow...)

Download the latest version. Unpack it in your web server web root. Open the installation wizard at install/index.html. It will guide you through the setup process.

The main difference with the previous alpha versions is that Wowza Media Server 2 is pulling the stream from VLC and will have a different setup than in the alpha versions. So make sure that you have Wowza Media Server 2 setup correctly!


Staff member

Dreambox ReStream 2.0 FINAL

The final version is released after a long time of development. The biggest problem was to get the stream running on a mobile phone. Due to codec problems, the final version has dropped mobile support out of the box. It can be realized but needs some manual adjustments in the code.

The main features are now that we have multi bit rate. Default there are three bitrates. But it can be increased or decreased. More information how to change wil be at the FAQ.

It has full support for Wowza Media Server 2. That will provide the stream for an iPhone on multi bit rate. Smooth streaming is also possible, but the software does not provide a player yet.


-Big change is dropping mobile support out of the box.


Staff member

Dreambox ReStream 2.01

Small update fixes only one bug.
The bug was a known bug Shocked
It should have been fixed in the 2.0 version.
This caused that the loading stopped at the recordings part of the Dreambox.
A small change is the the default audio codec is now mp3 because mp4 audio is causing streaming issues with the flash stream.


Staff member
Dreambox ReStream 2.0.2

[B]Again some small bugfixes:[/B]

Trying to fix the issue where the channels are not reachable with to much boutiques.
Extra check on the recordings list. It could give an error when the list is empty.
And a new feature:
The ability to stop VLC from the website. This can be done by clicking on the VLC indicator right to the progress bar of the program.


Staff member
Dreambox ReStream 2.0.3



New features and bugfixes

* Option to tune in with the current viewer. Click on the watch icon in the program description area.
* Better XML parsing for Enigma2 dreamboxes. Some EPG was not loading correctly
* Fix for in accessable channels in boutiques when there are more than 13 boutiques.
* Support for DreamboxEdit markers in the channels lists. Now you can group channels inside a boutique
* New setting for external VLC access when running in VLC only modus.
This allowes VLC to run locally, but the player will connect to the
external / DNS name.
* New code for detecting if dreambox is online on Windows servers
* Better checking if the current stream is a channel or recording. This was giving a getChannel error.


Staff member
Dreambox ReStream 2.0.4


23-05-2011 (v 2.0.4):
* Added a change log file (finally Smiling)
* Fixed mktime issue with timezones. Now use different code that should not give an error.
* Fixed issue that boutiques where not opening when you had more than 10 boutiques. This fix needs a CCS3 capable browser
* Fixed authentication error when running in private modus.
* Better url parsing in program descriptions.
* New executing code for Windows systems. Hope this fixes the starting problem with VLC and Windows 7 / 2008.
* Small javascript fix for loading the Flash player
* New jQuery version. 1.6.1 (http://jquery.com/)
* New jQuery UI version 1.8.13 (http://jqueryui.com/)
* New jQuery Mobile version 1.0 alpha 4.1 (http://jquerymobile.com/)
* New JW Player version 5.6 (http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/)
* Added icon to external links in the program description
* Update the installation wizard with new jQuery Form wizard version 3.0.5 (http://thecodemine.org/)
* Update mobile version. Works for RTSP enabled mobile phones.


Senior Member
Dreambox ReStream


Version 2.1.0 (07-08-2012):
* New setup system. Now there are less settings, and they are all in one form. With the new setup system, from 2.1.0 old settings will be red from disk, and used in the setup form. New settings will automatically added. Manual changed settings will be respected. The setup system will detect if the configuration is outdated.
* New update system. Dreambox ReStream will check once a day if there is an update, and can update it in a few seconds from the web interface.
* Droped all Windows and Mac OSX support. Due to the different kind of problems mostly on Windows, I dropped the support for other OSes than Linux. There is a Virtual Box image with a running Dreambox ReStream.
* Some clean up of the code, and logical variable names in the Settings file
* Skipped version 2.0.9 :)

Version 2.0.8 (16-07-2012):
* Fixed EPG loading of channels which has no EPG loaded yet.
* Small css change in the program names in the channel list. The program titles don't wrap anymore.
* Picons support. Now the pico is loaded from the Dreambox.
* Some other small CSS fixes
* Fix for the .htaccess file. Check if the headers module is loaded before trying to change the headers. This will make sure that m3u8 playlists and ts files are not cached by the browser
* Updated JW Player to version 5.10
* Updated jQuery UI to version 1.8.21

Version 2.0.7 (20-06-2012):
* Removed the VLC flash streaming. JW Player can support iPhone streaming. No more extra port numbers to open in a firewall or extra port forwarding! VLC 2.X required
* Improved logic for VLC streaming command
* New jQuery version. 1.7.2 (http://jquery.com)
* New jQuery Mobile version 1.1.0 (http://jquerymobile.com)
* Support for Enigma2 based encoders with a single tuner
* iPad detection
* Small updates in the mobile code.
* Fix for online/offline detection of the Dreambox decoder
* Added RTSP streaming with VLC. Now all RTSP enabled Mobiles are supported without a Wowza server. Tested with a Nokia N9.
* Updated the installer for single tuner question and some small fixes

Here is the new and improved Dreambox ReStream 2.1.0!. This is a major update, and should be installed on a clean setup. It does not need Wowza Media Server anymore. All the legacy Windows and Mac OSX support is removed from the code. For Windows and Mac OSX systems, you can use the Dreambox ReStream Live Image.

The new version will have a complete new setup wizard. This wizard will make it easier to setup your Dreambox ReStream software. It does some scanning of IP numbers and the location of VLC. So most settings will be prefilled.

A second big feature is the automatic update check. If there is a new version Dreambox ReStream will notice you that there is an update. That update can be run from the web interface. This is like Wordpress does with there updates. Make sure that the directory where you install Dreambox ReStream is writable by the web server.
Last edited:


Senior Member
New version Dreambox ReStream (2.3.5)
Submitted by TheYOSH on Sun, 06/07/2014 - 19:54

A few months passed, and it was a bit quite. But lately some bugs arrises, and we released an update that fixes those small issues.

There are a lot of library updates, and some bug fixes. So it is more a maintenance update. But there is just one nasty issue. The auto-updater was disabled in the past releases. We don't know why, but it was :( So to get this new version, you have to download it manually, and update your own version with the new code.

The setup will start automatically after upgrade.



Senior Member
Dreambox ReStream 2.3.6 Release

A new version of Dreambox ReStream has been released. With this version we have some small changes and some big changes.

Major changes

New way of stopping VLC on the server. The old code was relaying on closing the browser, which does not work with iPhone and iPads. The result is that VLC is never killed, and keeps taking CPU power when nobody is watching. Now there is a timer that kills VLC in 120 seconds. As long as the side is in the browser, it will do a call every 30 seconds, and therefore restarting the 120 VLC kill delay.
Fixed a small typo that made it impossible to watch recorded programs from the dreambox that contains a '&' in the name

Minor changes

A cache purge. Now it is possible to clean the cache and reload the data freshly from the dreambox
Added HD icon for HD channels. Now it is clearer to see which channel is HD and SD

And some updates. Read the full list at the download page.

Thx Yosh