'Doctor Who' Series 5 to Premiere April 3 in UK


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'Doctor Who' Series 5 to Premiere April 3 in UK

After waiting several months for the news, fans of the British sci-fi show Doctor Who have finally gotten news of a premiere date for the show's fifth series. That premiere date is April 3, Easter Saturday, as had been previously speculated by fans. This premiere date, of course, applies to the United Kingdom only; American audiences will likely have to wait a few days – or even weeks – until the premiere, "The Eleventh Hour," airs on BBCAmerica (of course, knowing the ingenious fans of Doctor Who, there's no doubt that many will find a way to watch the episode long before). The current US premiere date is unknown, but it will likely not premiere the day after the UK airing, as both parts of "The End of Time," did, though hopefully the gap will be shorter than the monthlong wait between airings of "The Waters of Mars."

The new series, which will mark the beginning of Matt Smith's tenure as the Doctor (not counting his brief appearance at the end of "The End of Time," when David Tennant's Doctor regenerated into Smith), has been heavily anticipated by the fanbase of this show. Already, a new promotional photo of the Doctor and new companion Amy Pond (played by Karen Gillan) has surfaced, as well as a promotional trailer for the fifth series, which will be shown in 3D in front of British screenings of the Tim Burton film Alice in Wonderland. A new iteration of the trailer, different from the one that premiered yesterday, aired on BBC One today, which revealed the date.
Source: BBC News