new file for kebap card on its way only problem it is to cost us 20 euros :thum::thum::thum::thum::thum::thum::mecry::mecry:
The latest info on this card now is from and after I spent a bit of time translating the news info from turkish to english this is what they are saying.
A new file is on the road and will be available soon however that it wont be released public and if you want it we are going to charge 20 euro for it then each person will be given a disgrete file. End of translation of below
Saygideger Kebap/Kemalcard Magdurlari ,
Suan itibari ile Sizlerle Paylasmak isterizki Yeni File ler Yolda. Aldigimiz Bilgiler Güvenilir Kaynaklardandir.
20 Eurosunu Yatirip File bekleyen Arkadaslar kesinlikle fileleri alacaklardir.
Genis Aciklama suanda Mail yoluyla dagitim amacli birkac Kisiye gitmisdir. Kisa Süre icerisinde Forumlarda okuyabileceksiniz .
Not : Kesinlikle Yeni Fileler PUBLIC OLMAYACAK ! Yeni Filelerin dagitilma Sarti bu. Her Sahisa Ayri File verilecek !