

Super VIP
DBB2 v1.0 - 7000s firmware
There is the usual "presentation" , via lead time to the tests. If the image pleases, will be used and there will be demand, we will try, within the limits of our available time to write a documentation that is useful to you and perhaps also to explain a little bit better the spirit of this initiative and our ideas. The forum is still the main means to discover the features of this new image and learn to use it as is the case for all other firmware. As all this software is not immune to bugs and then all of the signs will be useful to make any corrections. The features are those expected from a current image, any more or less, and you will choose its endowment, it all from here:

cvs 17.12.2007 +
>1s red
2x green
2x yellow
>1s yellow
2x blue
2x mute

thanks to ...THE (INSANE) DBB TEAM

DBB2 v1.0 - 7000s firmware
Non c'è la solita "presentazione" da studiarsi, porterebbe via tempo alle prove. Se l'immagine piacerà, verrà utilizzata e ci sarà richiesta, cercheremo, nel limite della nostra disponibilità di tempo, di scrivere una documentazione che sia utile per l'utente e magari anche per spiegare un po' meglio lo spirito di questa iniziativa e le nostre idee. Il forum resta comunque il mezzo principale per scoprire le funzionalità di questa nuova immagine ed imparare ad usarla come del resto avviene per tutti gli altri firmware. Come tutto il software anche questo non è immune da bugs e quindi le indicazioni di tutti saranno utili per apportare le eventuali correzioni. Le features sono quelle che ci si attende da una immagine attuale, qualcuna in più o in meno, e comunque sarà l'utente a scegliersi la propria dotazione, si parte tutti da qui:

cvs 17.12.2007 + :
>1s red
2x green
2x yellow
>1s yellow
2x blue
2x mute
grazie al team...THE (INSANE) DBB TEAM
Last edited by a moderator:


Super VIP

Für DM7000 Stick,HDD,CF

Bitte mit Flashwizard installieren


scam 3.29a

Evocamd. 2.17

Mgcamd 1.30a

camd3 900

CCcamd 2.0.9

New CS 1.60

Einige Plugins
Tux Commander

Und andere

Alle Sprachen zur Auswahl

Hacksat-k..s_Updater v9

ExYuSat k*y Updater v0.4


K... Stand 21.6.08


DBB2 v2.0 Alcatraz for DM7000

Read carefully before install: DBB2 Alcatraz is installed by default in secure mode, that is no root user, no ftp, no telnet and Web-if available only via https, but with SSh and sftp services active. Our suggestion is to use software supporting these encrypted protocols, at least if you're going to connect your Dreambox to the net for any use. But, if you're not willing to change your habits, remind to activate both ftp and telnet services in the "DBB2 Demons Control Module" and activate root user in the "DBB2 Secure Panel".
Following programs support encrypted connections:
Filezilla as a sftp-client;
Putty as ssh-capable client;
jIM2 v1.0.3 as the ONLY image manager available at the moment which support encrypted connections with the box


Super VIP
DBB 2.01 Alcatraz

- broken panels bug fixed (skin issue, moved to a modified stone one)
- inetd.conf fixed
- 7020 network fix added
- epgcenter fixed
- epgcenter: weekepg plugin has its own logger again 
  (weekepglog, available as separated plugin)
- epgmate fixed
- cvs updated (~30.09.2008 )
- samba password sincronization fixed
- option force for autostandby/shutdown (user or lightning?)
- added webif autostandby settings
- fixed channelinfo labels position
- changes on epgui plugin
- image manager: added the possibility to install through Alcatraz, 
  7000 images on 7020 multiboot (install 7020mb plugin first)
- image manager: fixed setting boot option on var moved
- image manager out of enigma, available as downloadable module
- emumanager out of enigma
- nano downgrade to 1.2.5 version (segfault on search in >1.2.5 versions)
- shift option to medium size picon for skins using 70x program icon (we 
  store picons in 2 dirs: /mydevice/picon_58 and /mydevice/picon_70 - set
  it in other settings panel.....)
- read DBB2 TEAM news in web addons panel
- osd dbb news notifier (yellow "N" in medium osd)
- http server bug fixed
- webif change: when auth is checked, auth is required for getting 
  every file of filesystem
- rotor position adjust (satfind panel->help)
- check ide device fixed (CompactFlash)
- dbb device module fixed
- zapping a little faster
- screengrabber plugin (upgraded to Seddy[thanks] version 0.8 ): 
  managing routine rewritten
- some panels dimensions revised
- user config manager rewritten
- cf cards correctly mounted
- other minor changes and fix

enjoy.... your DBB2 TEAM