Can I stream from E2 receivers to DVB software?


Senior Member
Before I make the plunge to a TBS card. Was hoping if someone could suggest a DVB program that may allow streaming from an Enigma 2 receiver live.
I have played around with trying to get it working with a few programs. Info on the best way to do it is a little "fuzzy".

Of course getting things like my channel list and satellites.xml file and such into the DVB software has been spotty.
The one time I thought I got it working and tried to scan a tp. No joy.
I'm running my main receiver. An osmio4k. And using a Zgemma H7 in client mode. No coax to it at all. And streaming to it is flawless. Diseqc 1.2 commands move my dish when changing satellites assigned in bouquets. As long as the main receiver is in standby.

Is this possible at all? To get one of the DVB card applications to run as a client of the main receiver?


Hi, I don’t know about support in DVB Windows software,
but there are both the Enigma2 client module for Kodi and
and the possibility of SAT>IP streaming from the Enigma
2 receiver to your LAN where you can receive it with multiple programs,
one being VLC.


Senior Member
Hi, I don’t know about support in DVB Windows software,
but there are both the Enigma2 client module for Kodi and
and the possibility of SAT>IP streaming from the Enigma
2 receiver to your LAN where you can receive it with multiple programs,
one being VLC.
It's not the streaming I'm looking for but the information in the dvb stream.
I have no issuses using VLC to watch 4:2:2 streams. I rarely use Kodi for watching satellite. And the Zgemma in client mode works like a peach. Just like it was wired with coax basically.
Using dvbsnoop on my pc pointed at the osmio4k receiver gives a lot of info. but of course everything is command line.
Still trying to get suggestions and reviews for a TBS card with 1 or 2 DVB-S2...SX ports that does everything I would need to.
Things like monitoring data channels. Like the NOAAPORT transponder that was recently moved from Glaxy 28 at 89W to Galaxy 31 at 121W.
I'm sure other non video service monitoring would be fun.
Plus the DVB applications are BDS driver friendly. Something Linux is not.

Take an example. I've been asked to send a TS stream to the guys here for analysis only to get a reply that it doesn't have "<some>" information they need.
And mentioned that a recording from the receiver is not enough. They take it that I was using a card.

Thing is. Most all of the card users are advanced and they make assumptions that are difficult for a noobie to grasp. When asking for tips.
So even if limited receiver information were (if able to using one of the programs) displayed. It would be a nice way to get my feet wet before buying a DVB card.


Well Known Member
The problem is that almost all boxes cannot send a RAW TS stream. Only what is defined (usually a maximum of 32 or 64 pids or 256 dmx filters).
Error(22): DMX_SET_PES_FILTER failed: : Invalid argument
scanning pid   0x0000 to 0x00ff  (got 256 dmx filters)
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Senior Member
I usually record from my enigma2 receiver to extract crypt8. Just be sure to disable all emulator. You can even record the stream from it and use it to analyze the TS.


Well Known Member
 Save 100 packets of a transport stream to a file:
1, dvbsnoop -b -n 100 -s ts 0x1234 > ts_file_pid4660.bin
2, dvbsnoop -b -n 100 -s ts -tsraw > ts_file.bin
enigma2 receiver usually won't let you use option 2 (saving all pids in TS)