BlackHole 2.1.1 Vu+ Solo SE Full Backup image by mckee25
What's Included:
Blackhole 2.1.1
Catseye 28e Settings 31/08/2014
Black MMC Picons (Installed in internal flash, usr/share/enigma2)
Oscam 9705 + CCcam 2.1.3 (Please add your own configs)
CCam Info v1.3c
TS media 7.8 Full (Linuxsat Proxy added)
AutoBouquets E2
Live Football 5.4
Coolman Tv Guide v7.3.0
Linuxsatsupport Addons Panel
Cross EPG (configured to save to usb, updates at 06.30 daily)
FTP Password: vuplus
BH 2.1.1 Full Backup Solo SE 10092014.rar
What's Included:
Blackhole 2.1.1
Catseye 28e Settings 31/08/2014
Black MMC Picons (Installed in internal flash, usr/share/enigma2)
Oscam 9705 + CCcam 2.1.3 (Please add your own configs)
CCam Info v1.3c
TS media 7.8 Full (Linuxsat Proxy added)
AutoBouquets E2
Live Football 5.4
Coolman Tv Guide v7.3.0
Linuxsatsupport Addons Panel
Cross EPG (configured to save to usb, updates at 06.30 daily)
FTP Password: vuplus
BH 2.1.1 Full Backup Solo SE 10092014.rar