All for user of Blue Dragon and witch who want to buy


Senior Member
Dear user, please do not buy this card. Those who want to market this card are not able to provide support for it.
1. The hack is not mature, and after few days the files dark. The durability of the public files is low (less than 2 days).
2. It constantly circulating public and np files, these files np one can not without connections. However, the np files only a few days hell
3. The release of the files is at will, i.e. times what is and sometimes not, a system is not visible.


After enough tickets sold this type, do the editors probably Digitürk files for issue to other cards of a different type again for 150 euros or more to sell. These files can be played only on appropriate new cards. This means the bad hack to profitably invest in more cards. If the cards Blue Dragon, Red Dragon or Black Dragon hot, the hack and the implementation is exactly the same primitive and poor.