Admin,do something... (Server busy)


Feed Hunter
Hi Admin.

You have to change this sever{every time is so busy} to a new and big one.This one cant cope with this overcrowded
place.Every minute are registerd new members,that's why we can't login to forum!You have to do something
to overcome this unusual success for this forum but unworkable for us,members of this forum,new or old one!
If you are keeping and using this server,this success will be become a trap for all of us,you as a host and us as a


Staff member
It is not the problem of server. Our current server is already better then what we need. It is attacks that cause the overload. They come and go, that's when server is too busy comes up.
Proper protection is extra 500$ a month, don't think we'll ever be able to afford that. Hardware protection is at extra 100$ a month and would require change of hosting.
If there is some constant flow of donations that would raise up any decent amount I'll move us to different hosting and purchase hardware firewall. But there is no guarantee that would stop the problem.
Anyway server is not too busy that often. It is at worst 3 or 4 times a day and lasts for couple of minutes. Not something we can't live with.


I think, you better rent a dedicated server (monthly fee about 250 usd) protect yourself with under your own control of server, solve all complains, no attacks, no overload, no server too busy.



Well Known Member
If you read post from Rocknroll you see the problem is not with server.
Server it is dedicated and problem is with DDDos attack, and hardware protection is only good protection but cost 100 $ a month.


If you read post from Rocknroll you see the problem is not with server.
Server it is dedicated and problem is with DDDos attack, and hardware protection is only good protection but cost 100 $ a month.

it means your datacenter is poor... if you like to add any protection modules to server you will pay one time only, not 100$ a month...


Staff member
it means your datacenter is poor... if you like to add any protection modules to server you will pay one time only, not 100$ a month...

No hosting wants to deal much with sites under attacks. We'll see what happens after we change hosting and rent a firewall. It is not guaranteed to help, but worth a try. (Although I am very reluctant to move as this company is good and their servers very stable).
If you think you can do better, you're welcome to start your own site, but you can't run this one.
Protection modules are already installed here.
But if the attacks are well done no protection can help you.
And we are on a dedicated server and if anything such servers are more exposed to attacks. Because hosting company doesn't have to protect them as they have to on cheap shared hosting where they have 1000 clients on one computer. So they have to protect those servers well. On dedicated servers they only have 1 client and they are not obligated to protect it. Only to provide hardware and network stability which they are doing very well on this hosting.

P.S. Don't see why some people express negative stand about this. Some sites are down for few days and members come back celebrating when they are back. We are busy for 5 minutes and some people come complaining that we should be more stable. We're not microsoft download page or something like that. We can't guarantee you'll always be able to reach us, nor are we obligated to someone to guarantee it nor can someone demand it. But still considering the circumstances think we're doing a pretty good job. We had no major downtimes in our almost 3 year history. Our page has been opening very fast for the most of that period. It is working very fast even now unless there is something unusual going on. But it is fast and stable at least 98% of 24h day.


Well Known Member
Rocknroll, take it easy! :D
On a forum with almost 4000 visiting members each day, there must be 2 or 3 grumblers :nana: ... otherwise it would get boring! :p

This site is running great compared to some other much smaller sat-boards which are down much more frequently. And if this forum is busy, it is only a matter of a few mins ... unfortunately when DigiTV is down for example, those few mins can however appear like an eternity... for some impatient members :eek: