about autoroll biss

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Well Known Member
This is google translation from Arabic site About comments sr-2000hd hyper V2.10 no internet need to update keys:

today, by chance, I discovered that the last V2.10, which was launched yesterday on the official site of StarSat, automatically updates the blades of AlBis and the pain in the search for the AlBis blades only Connect the device Balnt stand on any encrypted channel Bis want to encrypt it and a message message at the top of the screen Updating biss key Pleas with .. and within 10 seconds open.


Senior Member
Or CSA has been broken and the so call FTA TESTing/Leraning will be over soon!!!!

Yeah my thought as well, on the other hand the unis seems to run Android and it the price are in the $100 there not be much CPU and for sure no advanced chip on board.

If it's the case that the actually unit does find unknown keys with no network connected, and if hacked CSA we will soon see someone who root a unit and start disassembly the FW.


Senior Member
Ok a bit search on the net

So they do transmit the keys over satellite :D


How IKS, SKS and IPTV Work

IKS : Your receiver receives the KEYS via the internet and the channels are decoded. With this, on the IKS you connect the receiver to the internet and use the cables that come together to make it work. In this way, you will receive the KEYS and send them correctly to the receiver, being able to release the channels.

Requirements: Internet connection + 1 antenna

SKS - Sharing of Keys via Satellite. It is different, since it does not use the internet connection and also it is necessary of two antennas. In the IKS there is a receipt of KEYS from a server in the network, already in SKS, the KEYS are received from a satellite server, therefore there is need of 2 antennas.

Requirements: 2 antennas

IPTV - Works similarly to streaming services like Youtube and Netflix , the famous on demand that makes available the biggest box office that are in the cinema or have just left, the main series to watch whenever you want. These receivers have come in addition to releasing more than 170 channels (of course, hi and sky) yet have available a collection of movies and series better than NETFLIX to watch whenever you want and without paying monthly fees.


Well Known Member
So,all speculation is correct.
let me just ask myself what is cheaper,to install a second antenna or to connect to internet? hummm.....

keys through satellite is a very old idea,and there are couple problems.
Well,the same problems : the server must send all keys in a spool and keep fetching new keys from websites like this one.If there is no key found,no autoroll.Unless it does use rainbow tables and send the keys it finds,which seem a better idea,couple minutes is feasible with very big tables and PC speed.
This looks better
How long can this feature be maintained when sales drop and they still have to pay for satellite slot?...specially when they sell cheap $100 irds.
I do not think CSA is broken and inserted in a $100 receiver either,it most preferably be into one of the big sat services like dishnetwork,claro,sky....that's where the market is,not in Biss.
Do you imagine this smart people that cracked CSA going for crumbs when they could just sell millions for the big services? and the funny thing is prosecution of this boxes would be difficult because they would not be using any proprietary code (card dumps) in firmware.
I do not see it,it is a very bad investment move.
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Senior Member
biss can't autoroll, only pv can autoroll. because biss must use CSA tool get correct key,and also need know correct SID,Freq...but PV only need put correct EMM then get ECM will work soon

Biss, Tandberg, PV all different , no waste time talk of autoroll biss function. none box can do that.


Well Known Member
Also remember satellite is a one direction flow,from satellite to the receiver,there is no way to know what the receiver is doing unless is connected to an internet sever.


Senior Member
biss can't autoroll, only pv can autoroll. because biss must use CSA tool get correct key,and also need know correct SID,Freq...but PV only need put correct EMM then get ECM will work soon

Biss, Tandberg, PV all different , no waste time talk of autoroll biss function. none box can do that.

Hello strong5000,
I am sorry to say that I would have to disagree with you on this. I have a Chinese receiver that does Tandberg, Biss and PV autoroll. I normally use it to find the keys for wild feeds that are Biss encrypted. You just have to find the feed, connect the box to the internet where it connects to a server which finds the CW on the Biss encrypted channels. Also it has an option where you can input the Tandberg, Biss and PV keys manually. It sells for under $100. The box also has excellent support. The box is a Hello Box GSKY V7 receiver. Check it out.

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Senior Member
Hello strong5000,
I am sorry to say that I would have to disagree with you on this. I have a Chinese receiver that does Tandberg, Biss and PV autoroll. I normally use it to find the keys for wild feeds that are Biss encrypted. You just have to find the feed, connect the box to the internet where it connects to a server which finds the CW on the Biss encrypted channels. Also it has an option where you can input the Tandberg, Biss and PV keys manually. It sells for under $100. The box also has excellent support. The box is a Hello Box GSKY V7 receiver. Check it out.


I think you still not understand well, kebien already sold key can send by satellite antenna, internet. none box can open biss by autoroll, some biss chanell never change key or key change is very slow, and some box already put key within sw together, then them can open biss autoroll.

Look i has help a african get biss key in last year, a biss channel changed key every 3min, how to get key for autoroll? unless this box supplier using sks or iks!!!

PV channel also can't autoroll in 2015, when some super team gave good patch sw on here, then some chinese company added this patch to box, now these box can open PV from autoroll .

here have many FREE key of biss,Tandberg,PV, some chinese box added these key within box (Softcam). you said you bought a box for USD100 , only waste money with that, many box supported Biss, PV and Tandberg, only google by yourself


Well Known Member
So lets say new info is the correct one. This mean what?

Yes for 99.9% of the time there is NO Biss AutoRoll. What you have is called IKS or if satellite SKS. It is all history.

BUTTTTT yes there is always a but. as kebien as said many times him self there are all sort of none standard manipulation of video in Satellite. The Dark Side. HEHEHEHE. Who knows?

But in Real Life there is a mid point with BISS-E . Biss-E can have ECM so there is no contradiction in saying that BISS-E can not AutoRoll!!!! HEHEHEHE


Senior Member
I think you still not understand well, kebien already sold key can send by satellite antenna, internet. none box can open biss by autoroll, some biss chanell never change key or key change is very slow, and some box already put key within sw together, then them can open biss autoroll.

Look i has help a african get biss key in last year, a biss channel changed key every 3min, how to get key for autoroll? unless this box supplier using sks or iks!!!

PV channel also can't autoroll in 2015, when some super team gave good patch sw on here, then some chinese company added this patch to box, now these box can open PV from autoroll .

here have many FREE key of biss,Tandberg,PV, some chinese box added these key within box (Softcam). you said you bought a box for USD100 , only waste money with that, many box supported Biss, PV and Tandberg, only google by yourself

Boss, what you just told me there is complete BS. Trust me. This is the most crap I ever heard in my life. You are telling me that BISS auto roll dont exist when I have experienced it for myself and see it worked with my own two eyes? How can a BISS channel change keys every three minutes? So you are telling me that the BISS keys that people post here for the different sports feed only good or last for three minutes? So every three minutes some one has to post a different CW for that same feed? Does that make any sense to you? You are also telling me that the Chinese developers who write the BISS auto roll software has to be on sat universe every second to see if someone post a key for a sports feed then add it to there server? That does make any sense to any sensible human being? They are times when I posted keys here for feeds before anyone posted them and it is because my box auto roll the BISS keys before anyone posted them so I get a chance to post them first and if the box can find those CW because it is connected to a sever through the internet that calculate the keys then send it back to the receiver, dont you think it can calculate the CW for those BISS channels that never change there keys? It does the same for Tandberg as well. If you want to tell me that there is no stand alone box (without connecting to the internet) that can auto roll the BISS and PV keys then that is a different story and I would have to agree with you. I agree with you when you said that the keys for the PV are uploaded to a server and when your box is connected to the server via the internet it download the keys for that particular transponder.I think you should research more and invest and test one of the GSKY V7 box before you open your mouth and make such bogus statements. Not because you are not aware of it or have not experienced it does not mean it does not exist. I am talking from my own experience. Please provide us with the name of that channel that changes BISS keys every three minutes.

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Well Known Member
If some providers use a particular algorithm to get cw keys . Just need to know the algorithm then the problem is solved . Is not it? The example has a lot, also i create a cw_list for CWFinder after the key templates i've detected, so in my cw_list there are old keys but also following keys.
Sometimes very complicated things are very simple ... :)


Well Known Member
" algorithm then the problem is solved"+ shishmish hehehe

You see this is why I like shishmish. He always bring fresh ideas.

BissAutoRoll = FAKE or Not possible, for the most part there is no ECM.

Butt one time another example. Maybe they have/download shishmish attack list and small Arm program and here you go... Another fake impression that Biss Keys is rolling.


Senior Member
I think you still not understand well, kebien already sold key can send by satellite antenna, internet. none box can open biss by autoroll, some biss chanell never change key or key change is very slow, and some box already put key within sw together, then them can open biss autoroll.

Look i has help a african get biss key in last year, a biss channel changed key every 3min, how to get key for autoroll? unless this box supplier using sks or iks!!!

PV channel also can't autoroll in 2015, when some super team gave good patch sw on here, then some chinese company added this patch to box, now these box can open PV from autoroll .

here have many FREE key of biss,Tandberg,PV, some chinese box added these key within box (Softcam). you said you bought a box for USD100 , only waste money with that, many box supported Biss, PV and Tandberg, only google by yourself

This is how the Hello Box GSKY V7 does the Biss Autoroll:

Biss system is not very difficult algorithm. the matter is to find key and match with the channel need huge caculation resource. (box itself do not have this kind of caculation resource)

GSKY receiver biss auto roll function have below 3 key point;

1. before function release, GSKY cloud server side (CPUs with more then 2000 cores) already caculate more then 1 year to gather biss keys from many stream data cacul;

2. when one GSKY receiver find a BISS channel can not open(Biss Key changed), box will start filt out some data from stream and send to server, server base on the data to caculate and match new keys and return to box;

3. this kind of job not 100% succeed, according my experience, 90-95% Biss channels can successfully open by GSKY reiceiver's auto-biss function in 1-5mins. key issue is depend on if GSKY receiver can find (filter out) useful data from Stream and send to server.



Well Known Member
3. this kind of job not 100% succeed, according my experience, 90-95% Biss channels can successfully open by GSKY reiceiver's auto-biss function in 1-5mins. key issue is depend on if GSKY receiver can find (filter out) useful data from Stream and send to server.


Similar sort of hit rate as Rainbow Tables, so my guess it's sending C8s back to the server which does an RBT lookup


Well Known Member
" algorithm then the problem is solved"+ shishmish hehehe

You see this is why I like shishmish. He always bring fresh ideas.

BissAutoRoll = FAKE or Not possible, for the most part there is no ECM.

Butt one time another example. Maybe they have/download shishmish attack list and small Arm program and here you go... Another fake impression that Biss Keys is rolling.
respected dale_para_bajo,
Explain to me whether BF is needed for these cw keys:
-http://www.sat-universe.com/showpost.php?p=2036796330&postcount=567 (this is cw key of today, also see previous cw keys),
-http://www.sat-universe.com/showthread.php?t=252553&page=64 (also see all previous cw keys),
-http://www.sat-universe.com/showpost.php?p=2036776838&postcount=3 ...
also there are more other ... ;)
One of the possibilities, algorithm can exist in firmware (receivers) of some providers.
I'm confident and safe (100%) each provider creates his own cw keys on a specific algorithm.
It's my opinion and it's not an idea ...


Well Known Member
Similar sort of hit rate as Rainbow Tables, so my guess it's sending C8s back to the server which does an RBT lookup

You forget the part where those broadcaster using VBR,then the box don't have a Crypt8 to send.

Undoublty,they are using rainbow tables if they must search for a key.
But to fund such a server for a few receivers is really overkill,and would stop working eventually if there is little no sales.


Well Known Member
You forget the part where those broadcaster using VBR,then the box don't have a Crypt8 to send.

Undoublty,they are using rainbow tables if they must search for a key.
But to fund such a server for a few receivers is really overkill,and would stop working eventually if there is little no sales.

Maybe they hope to sell enough boxes then start charging a subscription for the BISS server access, only time will tell.


goosat company hacked
System BISS
Automatic keys are found AU BISS
NO Need to C8 And Tabel ... GPU .....
SW V1.09.18278 to up
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Well Known Member
I guess I should stop posting so that I do not get into a fight as the people are split on believers and none believers.

Let me explain again. Imagine you are in a Kitchen. If you have no Oven you can not make Bread.

Same in dvb-s. If you have no ECM you can not do AutoRoll as there is nothing to roll!!! Biss for the most part have no ECM. So at the end

NO ECM = NO AuoRoll.

Now this new boxes are up for the sale. They want to sell you. So they provide you with the impresion that the AutoRoll as many guys like me there where accusing them of stilling private keys from new customers. So they come up with the wrong techincal term of Biss Autoroll.

Now as we have discuss here CSA at the moment is Unbreakable you need GPU to at least do BF in Minutes but it requires many $100 for GPU+SDHDD+PowerSuply+Good Ventilaton etc. And you know High Power are been consume. You PC Gets Pretty HOT in calculations.

Do you see those capabilities in you New Receiver?? Clearly No. So No AutoRoll and No (BF) Brute Force. SO what left? IKS, SKS, hook to servers etc. Clearly now some are posting that they have Automate the Crypt8/CW in CSA RBT to be done in Clouds. HEHEHE. Sure that there are many possibilities that could be use and more to come in the future.

Now as for example shishmish provide, yes he is correct there are a few (Not many or at least all) cws that can be guess as providers do not gather the CW randomly. Instead they use OLD or with Dates or with many other repeated patterns. But How many of those you can find?


How long do yo think BISS will last if they Kill that System with this new systems? Yes this receivers will only force that CSA prematurely die. So expect the diminish of feed hunting as we know it here in SU.


Senior Member
goosat company hacked
System BISS
Automatic keys are found AU BISS
NO Need to C8 And Tabel ... GPU .....
SW V1.09.18278 to up

Do you have confirm this sw can open all Biss feed channel of 7E and 100.5E for Autoroll?

Goosat company have many super hacker team supported them, has hacked many Smartcard always from China, all know like that from me
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