2m dish is it worth it?.


Senior Member
My antenna just arrived. For one I know that Is CM 2.4, for other one I m not sure, seller didn't know either. If anyone recognized her, please share it with us. I found Prodelin 2.4 on Google that has such a background. I have 2 problem, first is space, I have space just for one, I must to decide which one to mount. Second, both antennas have fixed mount, I wand movable one. If anyone has a sketch, I would greatly appreciate it. What lnb suggest for 2.4 m antennas? https://ibb.co/vxjmn5n


Senior Member
My antenna just arrived. For one I know that Is CM 2.4, for other one I m not sure, seller didn't know either. If anyone recognized her, please share it with us. I found Prodelin 2.4 on Google that has such a background. I have 2 problem, first is space, I have space just for one, I must to decide which one to mount. Second, both antennas have fixed mount, I wand movable one. If anyone has a sketch, I would greatly appreciate it. What lnb suggest for 2.4 m antennas? https://ibb.co/vxjmn5n
These antennas were usled to stream to satellite. I got the without the streaming transporter. It will probably be difficult to instal an LNB now, in place of these transporders.


Donating Member
These antennas were usled to stream to satellite. I got the without the streaming transporter. It will probably be difficult to instal an LNB now, in place of these transporders.

The dish nearest in the picture is a CM 2.4m with dual optics (secondary focus)
It is easy to use for normal satellite reception, just use a CM Ku-Band feed and LNB if Ku-Band is what you wish to receive.
There is nothing difficult here.

The other dish further away in the picture looks like it might be a 4 piece Prodelin dish?
If it was used for uplinks it might be the Prodelin 1244 model.
Again, easy to receive Ku-Band, just replace the feed with a Prodelin feed matched to a 1224 dish, plus an LNB.
For Prodelin you need to know the dish model to get the correct feed, they have different feed apertures for different dishes.
There is nothing difficult here.


Senior Member
For CM 2.4, do you think I can mount LNB to that tube, or I must to buy or made new one?
The second dish consist of 2 part, not 4. It Is very difficult to find someone who knows how to make this.


Senior Member
@blejac Congratulations, you've got nice dishes! If I were you, and had the possibility to install only one dish, I would certainly go for CM 2.4m one. On the picture, I marked by red and yellow (very approximate) positions of the both focal points of the subreflector. Of course, you will be able to use this antenna with or without the SUB, but you will need to find the way how to mount the LNB. Remember, if you can not do it perfect, just do it adjustable.


Senior Member
I bought antennas without subreflectors. Now I'm looking for a solution to the easiest way to put the lnb on the existing tube, od that's possible.


Senior Member
Why plural? There were only one SUB, which was on CM (Andrew) antenna. Why the seller did not give away also the SUB? I think it is not necessary to make new feedarms, make something like on the pictures
Only one reflektor. Solution from first picture Is genious!


Donating Member
Only one reflektor. Solution from first picture Is genious!

How many reflector setups did you buy, one or two?

If you upload some detailed pictures of the actual reflector setups that you have it will help to identify the dish and what options there are for feed assemblies to receive Ku-Band.
For each reflector setup that you bought, pictures of the rear side of the dish, the Az.El mount and the front of the dish would be useful.
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Senior Member
How many reflector setups did you buy, one or two?

If you upload some detailed pictures of the actual reflector setups that you have it will help to identify the dish and what options there are for feed assemblies to receive Ku-Band.
For each reflector setup that you bought, pictures of the rear side of the dish, the Az.El mount and the front of the dish would be useful.
I bought 2 dish without reflektor. The picture where they mounted is before the sale.


Senior Member
I bought 2 dish without reflektor.
Well, that is question of terminology :) The dish is a reflector and the small part in front of the reflector is a subreflector. So, you got 2 reflectors (2.4m dishes), one of them had the subreflector (SUB). But, the seller did not send you the SUB, so, you got 2 reflectors.


Donating Member
I bought 2 dish without reflektor. The picture where they mounted is before the sale.

Here is what you do for the CM 2.4m
Get @RimaNTSS to make you a set of feed arms and a feed clamp for your CM 2.4m dish.
These will be in stainless steel (INOX), they will be very high quality and will be perfect for your dish.

Install the CM 2.4m dish and use the feed arms and the feed clamp that have been made by @RimaNTSS
You can use a 40mm collar Ku-Band universal LNBF with the dish. Or, if you can source a CM feedhorn you can use a C120 flange LNB with the dish.

Or, you can use the original feed arms that came with the CM 2.4m dish but you will need to setup the feed assembly to work without the sub reflector.

If you have the CM Rx/Tx orthomode you can use a pair of WR75 flange LNB's with the dish and connect the H and V orthomode outputs to a multiswitch.
The Rx/Tx orthomode ports can be used as dual Rx ports.

Job done.


Senior Member
I will install only one, Ku band. Other one goes in the bassement. I m still not sure how we are going to anchor it to the concrete.