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  • Hi. Am a Sat newbie witha Dreambox 500s and am looking for some help setting up Sky channels on it for Sky UK. I am IT literate having been a VB, Web and SQL programmer for many years. The satellite world is a whole new world. I had a bit of experience with Unix many years ago but know nothing of Linux, shell scripting etc (yet). I have successfully reflashed my box after a dodgy Gemini flash with the OpenPLI image and have it talking to the world via my router. It's running CCam 2..3.0. I don't fully understand how to set up the Dyndns thing but I have registered with FreeIP and know my ISP assigned IP Address. I'd like some advice for dummies on setting up entries in the CCam config for Sky channels - ideally free ones. Are there any Cardsharing companies that you would recommend for Sky UK (Movies and Sport)? Ta John Inglis
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