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  • hi m8 its cossworth here i already have the e2Hd_addon_0.9 on a usb stick and when he plugs it in it does recognize them on the usb stick can i get him to install this on the image thats already on the box as standard or do i need to put enigma 2 on it 1st as i think id rather just keep the original image on it and add addons to that if i could m8 less hassle for me eh ?
    hi m8 sorry to be a pain the ass how do i webinetrface to it cant see the http in the config theres a range thats it
    hello sorry for disturb and sorry for my english i have problem when i install iscanmod usb version for 900hd i select 570 i ensuite 50hz and after
    he want secret word ? and i can't put another image.
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