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  • Dear Friend,
    Good day. Please forgive me but I am new here & very novice too. I have just bought the ICONE IRON PRO SATELLITE RECEIVER. It is not opening PVUs & the OSCAM is not loaded on it. I do not know how to go about it. Is there any way you can help a brother as this is giving me stress & headache. Please help give me a novice step by step on how to go about it & links. Please feel free to send friends here to have me guided. Thank you so much for your help & God bless.

    :thum:11152 H 9875 DVB-S2 8PSK
    MPEG 4 - 4:2:0 - HDTV
    Tagged as " TV1 BUL006 "
    Comment : U17 Football

    CW: 79 2F 03 AB CA E1 F0 9B
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