Women use gender as an excuse for their actions


Women use gender as an excuse for their actions

When Katie Price recently claimed in court her poor driving was because she was a 'typical woman driver' - many couldn't believe she had pulled the sex card.

But according to a recent study, she's not the only one and 88% of women have used their gender to excuse their actions or avoid situations completely.

What's more, just over half (52%) of the 1,451 women polled, claim they do it regularly, and for a variety of reasons.

Problems parking the car are the top situation in which gender excuses are cites with 67% of women trying it on, followed by catching insects (56%).

Carrying heavy items (48%) cam next, then opening jars (40%). 35% also say they use gender to 'avoid confrontation' -- which could be harder after the results of this poll.