Unable to install/Installation Error Barry allen 6.5.21 using Telnet


Hello guys,

I have deleted all Barry Allen files from DB but still when I try to install it using Telnet I get below message. There were some BA files on HD I initialized it and unmounted it and deleted hdd using FTP. I now have a 8GB CF mounted. Please can you tell me how to resolve this or how to force install/force remove BA?:(
Flash image: Enigma2 = 2012-07-06-3.2, Image = Release 3.2. 2011-09-29, 8GB CF connected.

root@dm8000:/# cd /
root@dm8000:/# opkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen*.ipk
Multiple packages (enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen and enigma2-plugin-exte
sions-barryallen) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest.
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen (7.4) to root...
Collected errors: * ERROR: Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen (parent enigma2-plugin-e
tensions-barryallen) is not available from any configured src.
* Failed to download enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen. Perhaps you need to
run 'opkg update'?
* Cannot find package enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen.