

is it possible get uboot command like this <uboot set 2 "Enigma USB1" enigma2 usb sdb1> on dgs based image? thank you


Senior Member

hi there in the sif/nlb imgs dgs based that have u boot built in to it. you will need putty set to com 115200 baud, press ctrl + z so that when the box boots up it says console on the front.

Be very careful how you do the next tasks because these are the most important to get it to succeed.

Copy and paste the following without any space at the start and end of Text selection then press ENTER in PUTTY console window – remember to change sdb1 to sda1 depending on if you have HDD or not.

Copy and paste:

setenv menu_1 'setenv bootargs "console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 root=/dev/mtdblock3 bigphysarea=1500";setenv bootcmd "bootm a0060000";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE - you may get an error message saying “’setenv’ is not recognised command. Simply ignore this and re-paste the same text again and press ENTER again. This second time – there is no error message.

Then Copy and paste below, changing the ip and gateway address to your own network:

setenv menu_2 'setenv ipaddr;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootide "run bootargside;ide reset;ext2load ide 0:2 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargside "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sda2 rw rootfstype=ext2 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr::$gateway:$netmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootide";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE again and everything will be fine – no error message.

Next copy and paste again this line below:

setenv menu_3 'setenv ipaddr;setenv gateway;setenv netmask;setenv bootusb "run bootargsusb;usb reset;ext2load usb 0:1 a5ff0000 boot/uImage;bootm a5ff0000";setenv bootargside "setenv bootargs console=ttyAS1,115200 panic=3 bigphysarea=10240 root=/dev/sdb1 rw rootfstype=ext2 init=/bin/devinit ip=$ipaddr::$gateway:$netmask mem=128m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000";setenv bootcmd "run bootusb";save;boot'

PRESS ENTER in CONSOLE again and everything will be fine – no error message

Then type “saveenv” without quotes “” in console and press ENTER. – you will see a screen similar to below:

cuberevo-mini> saveenv
Saving Environment to Flash...
Un-Protected 1 sectors
Erasing Flash...
Erased 1 sectors
Writing to Flash... done
Protected 1 sectors

then shut down putty and turn your box off at the back then back on.

If this worked all ok choose the option you want.

1) box flash
2) hdd img
3) usb img
