

Super VIP
1 Using an FTP program, move the file TS-E2iplayer-2021011 01.01-mod.tar.gz into the / tmp folder (/ var / volatile / tmp) on the box push.

2. Start Putty, insert the following lines using copy and paste and press Enter:

init 4
sed -i '/config.plugins.iptvplayer/d' /etc/enigma2/settings
rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer
rm -rf /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/settloader
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pycurl.so
rm -rf /hdd/IPTVCache
rm -rf /media/hdd/IPTVCache
rm -rf /iptvplayer_rootfs
rm -rf /etc/IPTVCache
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerarabicgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerenglishgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerfrenchgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerhostsgroups.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayertsiplayercgroup.json
rm -rf /etc/enigma2/iptvplayerhostsorder
rm -rf /etc/tsiplayer_xtream.conf
rm -rf /etc/vk/0000040c.kle
rm -rf /usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/libgstifdsrc.so
rm -rf /usr/bin/cmdwrap
rm -rf /usr/bin/duk
rm -rf /usr/bin/e2ibox
rm -rf /usr/bin/exteplayer3
rm -rf /usr/bin/f4mdump
rm -rf /usr/bin/fullwget
rm -rf /usr/bin/gstplayer
rm -rf /usr/bin/hlsdl
rm -rf /usr/bin/rtmpdump
rm -rf /usr/bin/uchardet
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/cmdwrap
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/duk
rm -rf usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/IPTVPlayer/bin/hlsdl
tar -zxvf /tmp/TS-E2iplayer-2020.11.01.01-mod.tar.gz -C /
rm -rf /tmp/TS-E2iplayer-2020.11.01.01-mod.tar.gz

3. Then type in "Reboot" and press Enter. (Box does a restart) 4. Start the plugin. All depths are now already available. 5. In the settings:



Senior Member

Here Freddy has uploaded his latest TS-E2iPlayer package. The main change is the switch to the 9th Prince repo, which combines the Gitlabs from Maxbambi, Zadmario, Mosznowy, Codermik and Colombo. The problem with his package is that ALL remnants of old TS-E2iPlayer versions are deleted in his installation instructions. This is actually good for a clean reinstallation, but the problem with the VTI image is that afterwards (i.e. after the reinstallation) the depths can NOT be downloaded when the program is started for the first time (and later also). There is always only one error message that can be clicked away - but the files are NEVER downloaded correctly. According to my research, some of them end up in the / tmp folder, but are NOT copied to their correct location afterwards (for whatever reason). That's why I made this MOD. It consists mainly of Freddy's new version, only I've added the necessary BIN, LIB, and PYCurl files (from his previous package) as well as the correct FFMPEG file. The whole thing is copied to the right place during installation, so that the plugin works immediately without any problems. The iptvplayer_rootfs folder in the root directory is then NO longer necessary, since, as I said, all the necessary files are already in the respective folders where they actually belong.