TM 5402 Scanning


Hello All,

I've noticed few issues with scanning on TM 5402. Can anyone confirm whether they have the same issues?

1. In satellite setup, when you select scanning of free channels it will lock encrypted channels anyway. On auto navigation and advanced search it works fine.

2. When it scans regardless in which mode it will always remove all channels from the scanned TP. It is pretty annoying, because if you watch some encrypted channels and would like to run some FTA scan from time to time to see whats new, it will remove encrypted channels if you run FTA search.
It can be solved by a work around, assigning to other satellite or a dummy one appropriate port, running blind search to save all TPs and using this satellite for FTA searches only, whilst keeping the encrypted channels on the second one. However would be nice to keep all the channels and have only new ones added during any scan...
Anyone knows any solution to this, something in settings perhaps?

Thanks in advance


Well Known Member
If you use Blind search and set mode to Free, it will only scan in FTA and not remove any encrypted channels.

That also as the advantage of adding new transponders or changes to sr