Stuttering Audio in E2


I have tried several of the latest Enigma2 images on usb & have the same problem
While watching BBC HD the audio starts to stutter after about 10 minutes. This doesn't happen in the NLB image I have in flash
I see from a previous thread someone had a similar problem recording BBC HD
has anyone else experienced this


Senior Member
Yeah I agree the audio bug is well known but not yet addressed. I know that the development teams for E2 are doing their best and I don't wish to appear ungrateful but all the SH4 E2 images on the 9000HD seem unstable to me....
Especially compared to the more boring but much more stable DGS type images. Many of the E2 skins seem to crash the box as well. Oh well perhaps one day...

I have the recent PKT 8 on USB presently and a DGS type image on flash.


Donating Member
I'm using SIF RC1, and a lot of audio probs. I'll wait for PKT 8.0 flash.


Senior Member
I loaded up the PKT 8.0 E2 on USB today (I have the latest NLB DGS in flash) and I use AC3 as default with downmix off). PKT 8.0 is a step improvement on sound stability versus 7.0, 7.1 and 7.5 but it still intermitently drops out of Dolby Digital (into stereo) which is very noticeable on an Audio Visual amplifier and decent surround sound speakers. So in my view Tideglo and team are making progress but have not resolved the issue. I am using Mgcamd 1.35 connected to a Newcs server with an 0963 S1y Card in it with full HD. On the other hand the latest NLB DGS iamge is a model of stability and the sound quality is outstanding and consistent. So right now, to me there is no comparison. Pkus the seried link function in the DGS version of Crossepg is first class. So E2 is still has a long way to go before it can match my DM8000 !


Senior Member
Marky, how's that working for you?

Yeah I must say I have real audio problems with this E2 image. Also I cannot seem to get Mgcamd (1.35)working even as well as incubus (0.96) in this image. I just get freezing and audio dropouts and eventual box freeze that NEVER happens with my DGS image. I just find I am having to constantly reboot with this image (PKT 8). But to give it credit... it is better than previous E2 images.
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Senior Member
Nightly build 8.5 claims to fix audio issue. So when PKTeam release their 8.5 version of E2 will evaluate. Will be clear cut for me !