Streamrip Plugins for AZBox HD

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Plugin: streamrip 

We know and saved all winamp streamripper to the wonderful tool to keep the tracks while listening to the same ready-made as mp3 files. Here we have the streamripper for azbox. Listening to music does not work yet properly locked so the appropriate tab. But the most important works, the ribs. 
Now, one can therefore follow the TV comfortably, while increased in the background, the mp3 collection of songs from his favorite station. 

Among the settings in the tab 'Config' need probably say nothing, it's all so similar to the Windows version. The important thing is the path to the directory to be stored in the. The best place in the streamrip.cfg his own path as the first, then you need not scroll to the plugin. The other options can I try each in order to obtain optimal results. The genres can also set each of themselves and adding streamrip.cfg in. To each channel a few names and id to do so. The raussuchen must be on the side of shoutcast. It is simply too exhausting to programmatically read the data directly from the site. Such sites are overloaded with too much stuff and every day can totally change the structure. 

At the moment it is set up in the program so that stops when you reach the download volume (stop ripping after) the streamripper its activities. The value at the beginning to 10 MB and can be increased to 500 MB. 

With the blue function key i-KEY is the riders 'Ripper'. Here you should select with the arrow keys left / right from the genre, then it goes up with the arrow keys / down to a station. Well OK button and wait about 2 seconds until the matter is ongoing. Up in the status area, you watch the current title. Then you can exit with the exit button, the plug and turn to other things. 
Later, you can call the plugin again to finish the ribs, possibly prematurely. In addition to the tab 'ripper' switch down to 'stop ripping' and OK button. 

The plugin is really just an interface for controlling streamripper with the remote control, because who wants to enter a yard long and cryptic lines. Through the installation requires about 250 kB 

The program is not fully tested, because there are simply too many possibilities, but as azbox we have seen happen. 
Concerning information on problems or mistakes, I am very grateful. Use at your own risk!


Staff member

Plugin: streamrip 

We know and saved all winamp streamripper to the wonderful tool to keep the tracks while listening to the same ready-made as mp3 files. Here we have the streamripper for azbox. Listening to music does not work yet properly locked so the appropriate tab. But the most important works, the ribs. 
Now, one can therefore follow the TV comfortably, while increased in the background, the mp3 collection of songs from his favorite station. 

Among the settings in the tab 'Config' need probably say nothing, it's all so similar to the Windows version. The important thing is the path to the directory to be stored in the. The best place in the streamrip.cfg his own path as the first, then you need not scroll to the plugin. The other options can I try each in order to obtain optimal results. The genres can also set each of themselves and adding streamrip.cfg in. To each channel a few names and id to do so. The raussuchen must be on the side of shoutcast. It is simply too exhausting to programmatically read the data directly from the site. Such sites are overloaded with too much stuff and every day can totally change the structure. 

At the moment it is set up in the program so that stops when you reach the download volume (stop ripping after) the streamripper its activities. The value at the beginning to 10 MB and can be increased to 500 MB. 

With the blue function key i-KEY is the riders 'Ripper'. Here you should select with the arrow keys left / right from the genre, then it goes up with the arrow keys / down to a station. Well OK button and wait about 2 seconds until the matter is ongoing. Up in the status area, you watch the current title. Then you can exit with the exit button, the plug and turn to other things. 
Later, you can call the plugin again to finish the ribs, possibly prematurely. In addition to the tab 'ripper' switch down to 'stop ripping' and OK button. 

The plugin is really just an interface for controlling streamripper with the remote control, because who wants to enter a yard long and cryptic lines. Through the installation requires about 250 kB 

The program is not fully tested, because there are simply too many possibilities, but as azbox we have seen happen. 
Concerning information on problems or mistakes, I am very grateful. Use at your own risk!


Staff member

internet radio show with images (CD cover, or other relevant image for the song) and streamripper in a plugin
Prerequisite: firmware with resolution of 960x540 mode in the plug on the box (0.9.3877 is ok), or may not be all things visible, and of course a working broadband Internet connection

The plugin is not the usual keyboard queries used, maybe once a person is so friendly with a premium Azbox and try it out, because I can test it only with my Azbox elite, as it is of course perfectly.


Well Known Member

  • automatic resumption of music after buffering
  • Image downloads in plugingesteuertem separate program


Well Known Member
streamrip 1.63

Internet radio for
shows title and CD cover or interpret picture
rips title as mp3 file to harddisc
new buffer handling, up to 20 stations per genre


Well Known Member
Streamrip 1.64

- Displaying a playlist of songs played (with left Menutaste)
- Start with the last settings for genre and target directory for ripper
- Time display in title bar shifts
- Error in display in the list of more than 9999 listeners fixed
- Errors in green refresh button in Operation Ripper fixed
- Kontrollhören on the tab Streamripper revised


Well Known Member
Version 1.65


- Color coding of the station just belonged in the station list.

- When riders switch from the radio config and return the focus is on the same line

- New option 'max bitrate' to filter the list of channels: all (as before default), 28, 56, 128 or 999 (128, acts in the next update of the list, other queries do not allow the shoutcast server. Come at 999 stations with Bit rates of 320 and 256 first.

- Three new parameters in the configuration file streamrip.cfg can be adjusted with the other initial values
BITRATE: 0 (all), 28, 56 (for slow connections), 128, 999 (for fast), default BITRATE = '128 '
RIPSIZE target for "stop ripping after" multiple of 50 MB or 10 MB, default RIPSIZE = '100 '
ADC set for "radio buffer" multiple of 16384 bytes, default BUFFER = '32768 '
Nothing happens when incorrect values are entered, the next best matching is then taken.
These settings can also of course continue to config on the tab to be changed.

- New option 'create directory for each station' config with the green button on the-tab: for each channel is created when you rip an extra directory with the station name.
You get them a better overview of where you have the mp3 files.

- New option 'use stream n', looks at the next launch of a radio stream with OK or PLAY.
Most stations transfer their streams on multiple servers / ports. The program has always used the first server. Sometimes the works for some reason does not or only reluctantly. Sometimes there is the title, but it comes out, no sound or often interrupted. The title brings the streamripper, and likes to take the last stream. Now you can config on the Setting tab with the CH + button a stream (1-3) for the radio mode. The total number of streams a station, which was taken one and number / maximum of the listeners in this stream will be shown briefly when radio listening. Or to display instead of 'OK' to use the play button.


Well Known Member
Version 1.67


- Neue Einstellung XRES in der streamripper.cfg, um gleich mit der richtigen Auflösung zu starten, '720' für 720x540 (4:3) '910' für 910x512, '960' für 960x540 diesen kann man auch weglassen,
- Markierung der ausgewählten Zeile mit weißem Hintergrund in der Spalte Stationsname, dadurch wird nach meinem Eindruck die Reaktion noch träger, während die Musik läuft.
- Beim Wiederaufruf des Plugins und Umschalten in den Radio-Modus wird die zuletzt gehörte Station ausgewählt, beim Beenden auf dem Config-Reiter ist es die Zeile, die zuletzt im Radio den Focus hatte, gilt bis zum Reboot der Box.
- Mit der Aufzeichnungstaste werden die Einstellungen für die splitpoint Behandlung in einer Datei im oben eingestellten Zielverzeichnis gespeichert. Bei Erfolg wird die Anzeige der Taste vorübergehend gelöscht.
Laden kann man die Einstellungen mit der Taste 'Kapitel zurück', jedenfalls die mit dem senkrechten Strich links. Bei Erfolg wird der umrahmte Bereich hell und die neuen Werte stehen da
- allerhand Fehler beseitigt (Auffrischen von Bildinhalten), die sich inzwischen wieder eingeschlichen hatten.

Mil gracias a holger.e


Well Known Member

Streamrip 1.68
AUTHOR: holger.e

Good news for all those who still want a different filter to arrive at some stations. Now there is an additional stage in the configuration file, you can define 5 criteria. In the example that is configured to search by country. My thanks to mileofr that has applied this idea, but I thought at first that does not work. The search criteria may be max 15 characters, as in the genera separated by a comma. They will appear when you scroll to the right behind the genre before. Who is looking for a specific station, you can use the short name as search criteria

A new feature is that you can search also be combined with gender, for example, all places of Italy in the genre of R & B / Urban. And here's how: - Choose a genre


Well Known Member
Plugin Streamrip 1.71 by holger.e
(internet radio mit Titel- und Coveranzeige), neu: Favoriten

Wie schon beschrieben werde ich folgendes nächstens einbauen:
EXTRA='Mein erster Sendername,[url]http://url.des.1.senders:port[/url]'
EXTRA='Mein zweiter Sendername,[url]http://url.des.2.senders:port[/url]'
usw bis max
EXTRA='Mein neunter Sendername,[url]http://url.des.9.senders:port[/url]'

Die url kann man für alle Stationen von shoutcast mit dem Plugin ermitteln.
Andere stream-url für diese EXTRA-Liste, muss man auf andere Weise herausbekommen. Diese Liste erscheint dann bei der Auswahl des Suchkriteriums EXTRA, die einzelnen Stationen können wie die anderen gestartet werden. Wenn da Titelinformationen übertragen werden, gibt es die gleiche Funktionalität wie für die anderen Sender (Titelanzeige, Bild, Rippen). Die Konfigurationsdatei muss manuell mit den EXTRA-Einträgen versehen werden. Damit hat man dann genau eine Favoritenliste unabhängig von Genres, Suchanfragen und shoutcast-Angebot.

Version 1.71 mit Favoritenliste:
dazu zum direkten Austausch ohne Installation:

Zum Beispiel
EXTRA='anderer Sender,[url][/url]'
EXTRA='98.8 Kiss-FM Berlin,[url][/url]'

Stre@mliner hat es getestet, aber mit anderen Favoriten.


Well Known Member
Streamrip Version 1.72

For some time, does not cover the display. In the google image search has somewhat changed the query parameters


Well Known Member
Streamrip Version 1.74

- wegen Änderungen im Seitenaufbau am Server durch Update auf shoutcast2 brachte die Sortierung nach Genre keine Ergebnisse mehr, wird jetzt über die Suchfunktion gemacht
- zahlreiche Sender aus den Suchlisten spielten nicht mehr, funktioniert wieder.


Latvian satfat
Staff member
Plugin: streamrip

Plugin: streamrip

Streamrip Version 1.77

Anzeige von Bitrate und Hörerzahl: ok
Anzeige von Sendername und Info wird gefiltert wegen falscher Darstellung von Sonderzeichen
Sortierung und Blättern zur 2. Seite der Liste funktionieren wieder
(klappt nur noch mit postdata, deshalb neues minicurl)

Streamripper-Funktionen nicht getestet - für Aufzeichnungen von mp3 ist das Plugin Jango besser geeignet.
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