Stream from torrents


Firstly don't click links without a vpn no matter what, if you don't have a vpn at least use a free one like protonvpn, with that being said this is a way for you to create your own movies on demand using torrents from peerflix.

Peerflix is a client for torrents that allow you to stream directly from them so what you can do is make your own m3u like so.
Open a text file on your pc, example.

#EXTINF:-1, Cult Killer 2024

save text as m3u then open it with vlc or whatever player you want.

This is a peerflix server I downloaded 1 movie on for an example all you do is right click the movie and save link to paste into a text for your own m3u, just passing on some knowledge for others to try.
Most people use xtreme codes panel but doing it yourself is always more fun :)