Spiderbox/Smartbox HD6000 Channel editor


Senior Member
This is the official version .

6000 Channel Editor 2.0.2 - 30/11/13

30/11/13 - Version 2.0.2
1 - Fixed bug with Internet Download "Changed Settings Prompt".
2 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import where the downloaded channel name was not picked up if it was longer than 23 characters.
3 - Fixed bug with a Favourite Import crash due to the character ', channels that contain ' will be missed on the import.
NOTE: You will have to re-add them to your favs and re-save a favourite XML file. (eg. on 28e, BBC Parliment has a ********* ID of BBC PARL'MNT which causes a failure)
4 - Fixed bug where the Favourite Numbers would not update correctly when Deleting Channels.
5 - Fixed bug in the Search Channels where the invalid character ' causes a crash.
6 - Added extra logging for the Favourite Import.
7 - Fixed bug with saving the Log.
8 - Fixed bug with Opening a SSU file and Importing Favourites.

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How to Install/Upgrade
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Install: Extract the files and run 6000 Channel Editor.exe
Upgrade: Overwrite the old 6000 Channel Editor.exe with the new one.

If you get this error:

################################# ################################# ################################# ##
#.NET Framework Initialization Error #
# #
#To run this application, you must first install one of the following version of the .NET Framework.#
################################# ################################# ################################# ##

Download and install this file from Microsoft.


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1 - Please use Windows Media Player to view the Quick Start Guide.wmv file
2 - This version has been tested with the latest Patch(HD6000_11_26.ssu).
3 - If you use the "Internet Download" you must Re-Enable your Satellites, input your Motor Settings and De-Select Satellite Number 53, 58 & 60 as the program uses the Factory Default settings whilst creating the SSU file(This is a known problem and we are working to solve it).



Super VIP
6000 Channel Editor 2.0.3 - 08/02/14

08/02/14 - Version 2.0.3
1 - Added the ability to edit the Favourite Names, this data is saved in the generated xml file.
NOTE: This is only for a reference as the 6000 does not support custom favourite names yet.
2 - Fixed Bug where C-Band Channels were being downloaded when they were not supposed to.
3 - Fixed bug where selecting a "Blank Database" would not clear the currently loaded channels.
4 - Changed the column header in the Internet download from "Name" to "Satellite Name".
5 - Fixed bug where Frequency Polarisations were not being picked up correctly.
6 - Added Software Version to the Name of the main Window.
7 - Fixed bug with clearing the Log.
8 - Added ability to Display the "Satellite Position" or "Channel Count" on to the satellite name in Settings.
9 - Fixed bug with the character * causing some functions to crash.


Super VIP
6000 Channel Editor 2.1.0 - 23/05/14

23/05/14 - Version 2.1.0
1 - Added NEW Advanced Download.
2 - Added Bulk Delete option "Delete Freqs with NO channels" in the Tools menu.
3 - Changed Default LNB Settings to 9750/10600 on all satellites.
4 - Added Satellites are now Auto Enabled when loaded into the receiver.
5 - Added an application check for "Classless.Hasher.dll", without this file in the same location as the exe, you cannot save a SSU file.
6 - Added "Edit Satellite Settings" in the Tools menu, This gives an overview of your current satellite settings and a quick/easy way of changing the settings.
7 - Fixed problem with Scrambled and H.264 Icons not displaying correctly.

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How to Install/Upgrade
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Install: Extract the files and run 6000 Channel Editor.exe
Upgrade: Overwrite the old 6000 Channel Editor.exe with the new one.

If you get this error:

################################# ################################# ################################# ##
#.NET Framework Initialization Error
#To run this application, you must first install one of the following version of the .NET Framework.
################################# ################################# ################################# ##

Download and install this file from Microsoft.


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1 - Please use Windows Media Player or VLC to view the Advanced Download.wmv file
2 - This version has been tested with the latest Patch(HD6000_05_22.ssu).

We have already created a SETTINGS file and an example Favourites file (Favourites 21 May 14.xml) so you can see the capabilities of the new Advanced Download. You can try this so you see how it works but if you dont need it, just delete the files and Default Settings will be created when you next start the program

NOTE: There is an updated MANUAL (Manual v2.pdf) Please read this, it explains how the program works!!