Settings for tv provider card


I hope someone have time to help me with the last settings for my "N D S" card.

I have currently installed multiboot on my Ipbox 9000HD and placed a Enigma2 image on a usb pen. The image is a Pktteam image with blue panel.

I have installed MgCamd and Newcs 1,67RC.
I have entered my boxkey in the newcs xml file.

And I can see on the webinterface for newcs: (http://"ip address":8081)
that the Mgcamd is able to connect to newcs.
The problem is that nothing is send to or from the interface (the counter in the webinterface is 0)
I can see that the cardreader is marked as my *** card is found in the lower reader.

I have the same setup on a Cuberevo image on another partition, and here I am able to watch tv.

I hope you can give me some hints to debug or change some setup, so I´m able to watch tv also from the enigma2 image.
(maybe point out a good image for "N D S" cards)