Rebuild an Image = need help


I tried to cook a tailor image with Gemini by mean of a DM500 against nfs mount to CentOS Linux.

With the following steps with no error

dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/mnt/nfs/ram bs=1M count=128
mkswap -c /var/mnt/nfs/ram
losetup /dev/loop/0 /var/mnt/nfs/ram
cat /proc/meminfo

After the command free issued, there should not be 0 with Swap

Of course, I also got 0 value for swap after cat /proc/meminfo.

and if I do issue
./mkdreamboxfs basic basic001.img

and give the following error message

Directory data: 164 bytes
Everything: 1068 kilobytes
Super block: 76 bytes
CRC: efb3956f
86016+0 records in
86016+0 records out
Ready to make the squashFS part! This can take 1 or 2 minutes!
Creating big endian 2.1 filesystem on tmp_mkdreambox_3, block size 65536.
FATAL ERROR:zlib::compress failed, not enough memory
cat: tmp_mkdreambox_3: No such file or directory

I been trying to use earlier version, and all reporting the same error.

Look like swap can not activated.

Please help.