Rare flowering orchid to get police protection


Britain's rarest wild flower is set to receive added police protection when it flowers later this year.

The Lady’s Slipper orchid growing in Lancashire is believed to have been planted in the 1800s and be the last flowering example of its kind in the UK.

While the flower at Silverdale Golf Course in Carnforth is already protected in law, police want to boost protection because it has been mutilated twice over the past six years.

They are now considering ways of of making it safer, including CCTV cameras and setting up extra patrols.

Let's just hope a wayward golf ball doesn't smash the flower before the police can protect it.
Botany enthusiasts and other members of the public are also being asked to report any further damage so that quick action can be taken to protect the plant.

PC Tony Marsh, community beat manager for Silverdale, said: "The Lady Slipper orchid is an incredibly important plant, having survived for over a hundred years when all other plants were thought extinct.

"It is iconic to many people who enjoy wildlife in Britain. People travel from all ends of the country on what is almost a pilgrimage to view the plant in bloom and are often overcome with emotion at the sight."