Prostitutes launch football pun T-shirts



Prostitutes in Brazil have reportedly started selling a range of T-shirts featuring smutty puns based around football in honour of the upcoming World Cup in South Africa.

According to AFP, money raised from the shirts will be donated to Daspu - a group which seeks other revenue for older prostitutes and tackles discrimination against sex workers.

One shirt reads, "Eu jogo pelada", which can mean both "I play football" and "I play naked". Another is emblazoned with, "Put it in, Seleção", using the nickname of the national team.

Gerenilza Marinho, 56, told Folha de Sao Paulo that the $17 (£12) cost price of each garment was equal to "half of what I get for turning a trick in the Rio suburb where I work".

The shirts, which were shown at a fashion show earlier this week, all feature the squad number 69 on the back.