problems mounting the usb stick ( OPEN ATV )


I set my DM 800 HD Flash installed CVS image mmobot. I am setting up USB memory openatv year, but the front screen of the device remains constant DreamBox multimedia. There is no shortage in the image of the work. Direct flash openatv said, but I set a mmboot not established. This event only happens in openatv and OpenPLi. Other images on the screen does not distress front by trying to USB. What could be the reason
I installed 4.2 flash openatv today, another MultiBoot make images on the USB to USB presented, but I can not make this image munter, without ever a problem to mount under construction in the same USB in the other image


Im using a very good image, openatv 4.2 for my dm800hd, very stable and reliable. I just can't get the hard drive formatted and Ive done this dozens of times before with other boxes.

I usually just format the drive to ext4 on my pc using mini partition tool but have also formatted to fat32 and tried rebooting then initialising. also tried going into device manager and setting up the mount but it will not mount to media/hdd and it crashes the box with green screen...