Pornstar offers sex as invasion apology


Pornstar offers sex as invasion apology


A Japanese pornstar has offered to sleep with Chinese students to apologise for her country's invasion of theirs in 1937.

The incursion sparked the Second Sino-Japanese War which led to the death of approximately 20 million Chinese people after the conflict merged with World War II as a front of the Pacific War.

According to The Korea Times, pornstar Anri Suzuki, 24, who has a doctorate in history with a thesis on the invasion, will have sex with Chinese students to make up for the war.

Suzuki said: "We have to respect history and cannot obliterate it. I want to cure the wounds of Chinese with my body, and I am practising this by having sex with Chinese students in Japan.

"I think it is psychological compensation to them. Actually, Chinese students treat me more friendly and comfortably than Japanese."