Polish buildings without satellite dishes


Polish buildings without satellite dishes
2011-03-30 2:54:07 p.m. / JK
Last updated: 2011-04-02 1:23:23 p.m.
Went to the Sejm a draft law for regulating the appearance of building facades. The Act included are provisions that prohibit the installation of satellite dishes . In addition, those that are already installed, you will need to be dismantled. The idea came up on the boards of housing associations, which according to other countries in Western Europe and especially Scandinavia, they want to bring order to their buildings.

The proposal is supported by the expertise of the Chief Inspector of Building Supervision, which sets out the results of the last few years of observation. They show an exponentially increasing number of antennas, unsightly walls of buildings. Work on the above. Act will commence before the Summer, and then it will be held on first reading. It is obvious that Members take the hard work before the end of the term.

This project has already protested the satellite platforms, and look favorably look at him all the cable networks, which open up great opportunities for development.