[Plugin] Advanced-Event-Library


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thx tsiegel


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Advanced event library

Plugin for using images and extra data in skins.
Please only install if your skin supports the library or if you want to and can skin yourself!
The library provides for Skinner Converter and Renderer in order to be able to display pictures and extended program and film information in the skin.

The library, which is started by defined task or manually, searches the current EPG, the VTIDB as well as all .m.e.t.a, .ts, .mkv, .avi and .mpg files of your recording directory and searches for these events on TV-Movie, TMDb, TVDb, OMDB, maze.tv and altersfreigaben.de for posters and backdrops and stores them permanently on the HDD, USB or NAS. In addition, a separate database is created in which the genre, year of publication, rating, FSK approval and country are saved. A prerequisite for a high and good hit rate is always a current EPG on the box, regardless of whether it is updated by EPGShare, EPGRefresh or in other ways.

Starting options of the plugin:
Extension menu
Define an FB key with MultiQuickButton
Assignment of a color key in the MovieList
Using the EPG button in the EPGSelection (adjustable in the plugin)
Settings in the plugin: "Data directory (press OK)" - Selection of the storage location of the pictures and the DB
"Maximum storage space (GB)" - Setting the maximum storage space to be used. There is a counter in the DB that counts the number of views of each saved image. If the memory requirement is exceeded, the images that were least displayed are always deleted.
"Number of preview images in the editor" - Number of preview images for posters and covers in the editor
"Quality of the posters in the editor" - resolution of the posters downloaded by the editor.
"Quality of the covers in the editor" "- resolution of the covers downloaded by the editor.
"use EPG key in EPGSelection to call the plugin" - this enables the plugin to be started in EPGSelection to e.g. edit missing or wrong entries.
Please be careful when choosing "original" for the quality of posters and covers! The images can be several megabytes in size. If such images are assigned to programs or recordings, there may be delays in loading the images.

Operation of the plugin:
Red button - Exit the plugin and return to the previous screen
Green button - save the settings made in the setup and restart the box
Yellow button - start of a manual search
Blue button - Opens the editor for the current event
Exit button - Exit the plugin and return to the previous screen
Menu key - Opens a selection menu with the following actions
'Delete entry' - deletes the current entry from the DB, images are retained, the entry may be requested again during the next search, insofar as it is available in the EPG or as a recording.
'Delete entry and put on blacklist' - deletes the current entry from the DB, images are retained, the entry is no longer requested during a search.
'Delete poster' - deletes an existing poster
'Delete cover' - deletes an existing cover
'Delete thumbnails' - deletes all preview images (useful if the skin used has defined a different size of the images)
'Delete BlackList' - deletes the entire blacklist of the DB. All entries will be requested again during the next search, insofar as they are available in the EPG or as a recording.
'create EPG share default image' - only for FluidNext users and installed EPGShare! Generates an EPGShare default image from an existing cover for use with FluidNext.
Operating the editor: The editor is used for the manual search of pictures and event information or for the manual editing of incorrect or incomplete entries. Red button - Accept the data and close the editor. If the event is an existing recording and there is no .eit or .m.e.t.a file, a. m.e.t.a and a .txt file with the information is created, which can be displayed in the MovieList or MoviPlayer. Green button - activate the editor. Here genre, country, year of publication, rating and FSK can be edited manually. Clicking OK under "Search EventName" opens the virtual keyboard with which the event name can be adapted or simply searched again. The search text can also include the year for better results to obtain . (Example: "Illuminat (2009)") After confirming OK all results are listed that match the search query. After selecting the correct entry, the data is transferred to the editor and the images may be reloaded. Yellow button - activate the poster selection. The selected poster is accepted by pressing OK. Blue button - activates the cover selection. The selected cover is accepted by pressing OK.

Update Version R45

1. EPGShare is completely out except for the display of default pictures. For this purpose, AEL now calls up the data itself and saves it in a separate table of the DB.
Season, episode, conclusion, leadText, categoryName ... etc., which was previously only possible with EPGShare, is now available again. There is no need to make changes to the skin.

2. Thumbnails are created for all posters and covers. These are suitable wherever small or many pictures are to be displayed.
The size of the thumbnails to be created can be specified as a parameter in the skin.
<parameter name = "EventLibraryThumbnailPosterSize" value = "60,100" /> <! - Size of the preview images for poster default = 60x100 ->
<parameter name = "EventLibraryThumbnailCoverSize" value = "100.60" /> <! - Size of the preview images for cover default = 100x60 ->
In the renderer AdvancedEventLibraryImage there are 2 new options for imageType "ImageThumbnail" and "PosterThumbnail" to display the small preview images.

3. Extra data and covers for individual episodes are searched. However, the prerequisite is that the episode name is derived from the program / recording name.

4. In setup you can set the maximum JPG compression. If the image size is reduced, the compression stops when the value falls below this value.
even if the set memory size has not yet been reached in order not to reduce the image quality too much.

5. Fixed display problem when preloading the preview pictures from TV-Movie

6. Generation of default images for FluidNext users (accessible in the plug-in with the menu key if FluidNext is active.)

7. Manual search in the editor possible in several languages. The language for the current search can be set using the menu button in the editor.
It also finds films like "It" including pictures if you search in English.

8. New converter AdvancedEventLibraryNextEvents added.
The converter spits out the next 10 events of the current station in order to transfer them to AEL. Simply enter 0-9 in the parameter.

9. New converter AdvancedEventLibraryPrimeTimeEvent so that pictures and information about the respective event can be displayed at 8:15 p.m.

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Update Version R46

- Display problems fixed
- If you still don't know where the default pictures on your box belong, look in the log file (2nd line). This folder + / Default leads to success.

Preview of the upcoming version
- AEL Prime-Time-Planner: Overview of the programs at prime time sorted by genre
- AEL series start planner: Overview of all series starts sorted by genre
- AEL EPG list: EPG list in the EPG selection with thumbnails

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Update Version R55

-switchable alternative EPG list views
Two-line EPG lists with preview images, skinbar via parameters. These replace the EPG lists in EPGSelection, EPG-Multi and EPGBar, insofar as the option was activated in the plugin.
-Prime time planner (appears in the main menu)
Displays a program overview of the programs currently running at primetime, broken down by genre. Setting via the menu key.
-Series start planner (appears in the main menu)
Displays a program overview of all series and or season starts, broken down by genre. Setting via the menu key.
-Creation of timers with extended information such as season / episode, country, genre, year in the timer name and the description from the planners or the AEL-EPG lists.
-new renderer AdvancedEventLibraryNextEventsList
Two-line EPG lists with preview images, skinbar via parameters, which e.g. can be used in the channel list or Zap history. The list requires the service reference of the selected station.
-EPGShare is supported again
If installed, the DB will be supported by EPGShare again. This saves the many individual data calls of every user at TV-Movie
-own API keys can be used
Since the number of requests by AEL at TMDb is currently around 1,000,000 per day, you can now use your own API keys. If nothing is entered in the setup, the internal keys will continue to be used. You can get free API Keys here:
Tmdb - register - the movie database (tmdb)
TVDb -Login - TheTVDB.com
OMDb -OMDb API - the open movie database
-load the images can be switched off. If you only want extra data, you can deactivate the loading of the images in Setup.
-delete thumbnails when posters / covers are deleted.
-Compressing the pictures accelerates.
-BlackList for images that cannot be further compressed so that they are not tried again after each search.
In the first search for the update, a blacklist is created on which the relevant images are placed. The result is only noticeable from the second search.
-BlackList for unrecognized recordings with missing **** information so that it is not tried again after each search.
In the first search for the update, a blacklist is created on which the relevant recordings are placed. The result is therefore not noticeable until the second search.
-AEL image server
@Timobayl has provided a web space on which selected user covers / posters can be uploaded so that images can also be provided for unrecognizable programs.
In the plugin, the complete current package for cover and poster can be loaded via the menu button, or the server is requested when performing a manual search in the editor.
The use of the image server can be deactivated in the plugin if desired.

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Update Version R57

-The time set in the prime time planner also applies to the AdvancedEventLibraryPrimeTimeEvent converter
-Optimized image size reduction
-Images can only be downloaded from the AEL image server every 24 hours.
-Plugin starts much faster
-Displaying the pictures is faster. So there should be no more spinners.
-Various small fixes.


Staff member
Update Version R62

● Fixed a bug when creating the timer name
● Transparency in the picons in the planner lists
● Picon by Name is supported in the planner lists
● Speed ​​of the start of the planner optimized
5th! possible as a separator for image recognition. The exclamation mark must be the last character in the picture name.
● Possible missing of the plugins TMDb or EPGSearch in the EPGSelection screen fixed
● Fixed an error when cleaning up the reserved storage space
● Loading of TV movie preview images (can be activated in the settings)

If you activate the "Load preview images" option, you will receive preview images for the majority of all programs, especially for series and documentaries, which are saved in the cover folder.
When activating the option, please adjust your reserved storage space for AEL, as several 100 images can be loaded every day!
These pictures are not general covers or posters, but show any scene of the respective program (see screenshots)


Staff member
Update Version R64

- Fixed display errors in the planners
- Key assignment green / blue - Timer / switching swapped in the planners
- kexmap.xml taken from @schomi
- Converter AdvancedEventLibraryNextEvents now also works in the IB and SIB. with source = "session.extEvent_Now"
- Timers that are created in the planners are only created after confirmation in the timer editor.
- The event lists of the planners remain at the current position after creating a timer and do not jump back to position 1.
- Font colors of all AEL EPG lists can be defined via color definition in the skin.
XML Source Code
<color name="EventLibraryListsFirstLineColor" value="#F0FFFF" />
<color name="EventLibraryListsSecondLineColor" value="#909090" />
<color name="EventLibraryListsFirstLineColorSelected" value="#070d0d" />
<color name="EventLibraryListsSecondLineColorSelected" value="#104E8B" />
without definition, the font color is always #FFFFFF.

- NEW backup function can be performed via the menu button in the plugin or as a separate task.


Staff member
Update Version R76

- Fixed reported crashes
- "Love Blows" pictures are automatically deleted
- NEW Simple-Movie-Wall (display of your recordings in eWall format)

Start via the main menu or the PVR button if activated in the AEL setup. In this case the movie wall replaces the normal MovieList!
Control pad = right / left, up / down, page forward / back
Ch +/- = page forward / back
EPG = calls up EventView of the selected recording.
PVR = calls LocationBox to set bookmarks
Menu = Selection menu for settings, moving and deleting recordings and entire folders
Red = exit
Green = calls up AEL
Yellow = calls the TMDb plugin, if installed
Blue = change the sort order
OK = start a recording or change to the next directory

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Update Version R78

- Fixed crashes in connection with MovieWall, MovieSelection and MoviePlayer
- PVR button is no longer activated by default
- Deleted recordings are no longer displayed

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Update Version R91

1. Image review added to editor menu.
- All AEL images in the directories are checked. If no valid JPG format is recognized for files or if files with extensions other than .jpg are present, they will be deleted.
2. Revised storage space check
3. TV-Movie preview images can be automatically deleted if the relevant program no longer appears in the EPG. Can be set in the setup.
4. Bing Image Search added to manual search in the editor. The known providers are used for the search query for images. If the number of images found is less than the number set in setup, the results list will be filled with results from Bing.
5. Fixed memory usage by AEL.
6. MovieWall
- Accelerated start by temporarily storing the recording data (noticeable from the 2nd start after the update)
- Data update after the search, at the beginning and end of a recording
- MovieWall can be displayed in list view (switch via TXT button or permanently via menu)
- Added database-based deletion to the menu
- Copy recording added to menu
- Recordings that are still encrypted or in progress are displayed
7. Prime-Time and Series Start Planners
- Planner can be displayed in wall view. (Switchover using the TXT button or permanently via the menu)
8. AEL gets its own selection menu in the main menu with extended statistics and from which all screens can be reached.
9. All AEL screens can be called up separately via the extension menu and can therefore also be assigned to a key with MQB.
10. When starting the editor, images are no longer searched for directly, but the existing poster / cover is displayed first. These can be deleted by selecting the corresponding list or searched for and assigned again by pressing the menu key.
11. Adaptation of the Eventview screen for MovieSelection, AEL-MovieWall and MoviePlayer (BETA!).
- Additional .txt files can be stored for all playable file formats, which are displayed on the screen or attached to existing event descriptions.

Thanks tsiegel


Staff member
Version R124

- Fix bug: .m.eta files. This option is new in the r123 setup, but even after deactivating the option, .m.eta files were created. Not anymore. Thx @schomi
- Sorting of films and series adjusted (by name/date etc.)
- Fixed record icon
- tsiegel feed removed
- plugin no. customized.


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedeventlibrary_1.0r124_all.ipk
    955.2 KB · Views: 9


Staff member
initial python3 support …
* PEP8
* fix print
* fix imports
* remove tmdbsimple
more python3 updates


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedeventlibrary.rar
    904.8 KB · Views: 6


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  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedeventlibrary.rar
    917.9 KB · Views: 16


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MyFriendVTI wrote

In rare cases it can lead to a crash if AEL images are used e.g. in the Infobar, SIB, channel list and others.

The entry in the crash log then looks something like this:

[bsod.cpp] --------------------------------
/usr/bin/enigma2(_Z17handleFatalSignaliP9siginfo_tPv) [0x7E9EC]
/lib/libc.so.6(__default_rt_sa_restorer) [0xB61DF6C0]
/usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN8ePicLoad10gotMessageERKNS_7MessageE) [0x1931D8]
/usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x19459C]
/usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x85CEC]
/usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop15processOneEventEjPP7_object9ePyObject) [0x87D94]
/usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop7iterateEjPP7_object9ePyObject) [0x87FCC]
/usr/bin/enigma2(_ZN9eMainloop4pollE9ePyObjectS0_) [0x88128]
/usr/bin/enigma2(n/a) [0x1D1A88]
[bsod.cpp] --------------------------------

This crash is usually not caused by corrupted images, but by the fact that the object reference of self.picload changes during processing and instead of the last processed ePicload object, the current ePicload object in processing is deleted by mistake.

In the attachment you can find a slightly modified AdvancedEventLibraryImage.py to avoid these crashes.

Note: The changes contained therein do not affect in whether, how and which image is displayed.

1. only suitable for AEL version (R124). Please check before
2. replace the AdvancedEventLibraryImage.py in the directory /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Renderer/.
3. perform a GUI restart


  • AdvancedEventLibraryImage_R124_MOD_V1.0.zip
    3.8 KB · Views: 5