OScam EMU doesn't send EMM to emulator anymore


Senior Member
I run OScam EMU (mipsoe20) on a Xtrend ET10000 with image Satdreamgr-openpli-gst1 4 (updated 2017-02-16), kernel 4.0.1, Python 2.7.3

AU on the emulator worked before (on several different providers) and for all I know with the same configuration.
I see in the Live Log (Debug level 64) EMM's distributed to all other readers I have enabled for autoupdate, just not to the emulator.

(reader) internal [seca] EMM: reader_caid 0100 != emmpid caid 0E00 -> SKIP!
(reader) TripleP1 [viaccess] EMM: reader_caid 0500 != emmpid caid 0E00 -> SKIP!
(reader) TripleP3 [irdeto] EMM: reader_caid 0604 != emmpid caid 0E00 -> SKIP!

Off course I tried au = 1 as well. Result is the same with off course also theses messages:
(reader) constant.cw [constcw] EMM: AU is disabled

But still nothing concerning the emulator reader, even no SKIP or 'AU is disabled' message. Nothing concerning emulator in the whole Live Log.

Because of this I updated (r11326) to the latest version (r11360), still no change.

This is the configuration concerning this:

enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 6
delayer                       = 60
ecminfo_type                  = 1
user                          = dvbapiau
read_sdt                      = 2
write_sdt_prov                = 1
extended_cw_api               = 2
boxtype                       = dreambox

user                          = dvbapiau
au                            = 1
group                         = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
max_connections               = 0
cccmaxhops                    = 5

label                         = emulator
protocol                      = emu
device                        = emulator
caid                          = 0500,090F,093E,0940,0D01,0E00,0E01
ecmwhitelist                  = 093E:98;090F:94,B7;0500@020910:2A;0500@023800:2A;0500@007400:2A;0D01:9C
detect                        = cd
ident                         = 0500:001C10,007400,021110,023800;090F:000000;093E:000000;0940:000000;0D01:000000,0000E4;0D01:000000
chid                          = 090F:000067,0000CC,000176,0001BB;093E:000067,0000CC,000176,0001BB;0940:000067,0000CC,000176,0001BB
group                         = 10
emmcache                      = 1,2,31,0
saveemm-unknown               = 1
saveemm-u                     = 1
saveemm-s                     = 1
saveemm-g                     = 1
lb_weight                     = 400
cccreshare                    = 2
ccchop                        = 1
emu_auproviders               = 0500:030B00;0604:010200;0E00:000000;0E01:000000;4AE1:000000

Off course the right EMM keys in SoftCam.Key and if I use the right ECM keys in SoftCam.Key channels are decoding. So emulator is working, just not the EMM's towards it.