old crap


Senior Member
I have installed Oozoon image after trying Tsimage, I have TS panel installed and I was using it to remove a plugin and noticed that there was references to plugins that were installed a long time ago, and I was unable to remove them with TS panel.

So what I would like to know is there a tool that will remove all the old crap before installing a new image?


Marching On Together !
Staff member
Installing a new image wipes the previous one and anything it had installed totally.


Senior Member
Hi Ferret
Yes that's what I thought until I saw the reference to previous installed plugins,from different images.

One other thing do you know the difference between idle mode and standby?


Registered User
"Idle mode" = new expression for former "Standby" (tuners, network, hdd/usb access, etc. still active)
"Standby" = new expression for former "Deep Standby" (nearly no power consumption, most components deactivated)

Remove old plugins:

Find out correct name of installed plugin in telnet with: opkg list_installed enig*
when you know the correct name, deinstall with telnet: opkg remove full-name-of-plugin

If visible under Menu/Addons/(RED button)administrate addons/ in the list of installed/installable software you can select to install/deinstall
or use DCCe2 function (where you can install plugins - you can deinstall listed ones)

if only partial remains are left (that don´t show up on lists of installed software), you´ll probably have to search for them in folders and delete them manually with ftp program (like filezilla or with DCCe2).
But then you need to know what you may remove without danger.

But - when flashing a box completely new with webIf - NOT restoring old settings afterwards, there should be no remains. It´s like Ferret said.

Things like these may perhaps happen, when restoring old stuff after flashing new firmware, or after not manually removing manually installed plugins and installing same plugin on top (with slightly different name and functionality) from online software feed of a firmware.
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Senior Member
Hi ararat
Thanks for the thorough reply.

I have had this problem for some time doing a fresh install doesn’t fix the problem.

audioselectionplus_0.16 is the problem now, I installed it but it doesn’t show up in Oozoon I can see the folder and contents with DCC after uninstalling it with tspanel then rebooting the folder has gone but when I go to Oozoon to reinstall it is still there according to Oozoon! In its install pannel.

I have searched through the folders but found no reference to old software, with my old DM7000 I think you could press a button after the first boot of a new image to remove old software, is it not possible to format the flash memory before a new install?

I did the opkg list_installed enig* then opkg remove and got no plug-in removed.


Registered User
1.) One possibility is (I had a similar problem with first version of MetrixHD skin):
OoZooN may not have the audioplus plugin by default, but some of OoZooN´s own functions may depend on /work with some files already, that come with the audioplus plugin, too. So the firmware may refuse to install the plugin, because some files are already in use by another component.

Test: Copy the plugin with FTP program to root folder in Flash (usually DCCe2 ftp function comes up with this folder by default) and give it rights 755 (don´t forget or maybe you can´t install - right mouse click on file/choose "attrib").
Then use telnet function of DCCe2 in order to install the plugin with
opkg install name-of-plugin (e.g. audioplus-blablabla-1.6_mips32el.ipk)
and have a look if message comes like: "no package installed" "package already in use".
(The names of the packages should be shown.)

Instead of doing the test above with telnet you may as well try installation auf audioplus with remote control.
After you transfered the plugin to root folder in Flash memory (or to /media/hdd on harddisk)
Menu/Settings/System/Software/Local Install/Flash (plugin must be checkmarked - installation with Green button) - messages should be shown in window after installation attempt.

In case of "file already in use" I´d rather not install the plugin (better ask on OoZooN board then.)

2.) Could it even be that the whole audioplus plugin already exists in OoZooN firmware by default? (Haven´t used OoZooN for long time any more.)
Just try - flash image and look if the plugin is in software listing by default. If so, then look if the audioplus plugin works okay and don´t install manually on top any more.


... is it not possible to format the flash memory before a new install?
You can do a Flash Erase (works only on DM7000 - not on other dreamboxes! :D)

  • Switch on your Dreambox or do a reset
  • As soon as the logo "Dream Multimedia" appears on LCD-display, press upper left button (should be "cannel up" button) and hold it
  • Release button only, when "Flash erase" appears on LCD-display
A Flash Erase is as well possible with e.g. DreamUp. (serial cable + com port connection with pc necessary)
You may even easily do a Flash Erase with setting your box to "Factory Defaults" in menu.

(Before doing a Flash Erase - better backup your settings/bouquets/firmware - all what you maybe want to restore, if necessary).