Official Triple Dragon image 10/09/07

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Senior Member
tdimage_2007_09_04.bin (min. requiered: 8MB_image_0_10_0-3_29-2005_11_15)
- new : as requested by some users, the infobar can show a signal level bar.
To see that signal level bar, just enable it in the OSD setup.
- change: broadcaster based color remapping in Teletext by X/28 and M/29 packets
is disabled by default. If you need it for the some few services using
this, enable it in the expert options menu.
- (new) : in the manual scan menu a signal tone can enabeld/disabled by pressing
the red button. Please note, that you will have no continous tone but
with some clicking noise around every 200 milli seconds.

Old attachment removed to preserve space
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