Multiboot PKT/BMK

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Multiboot BMT / PKT 3.0

Multiboot PTS is used to select which image to boot into HD tuner CUBEREVO. 
Recorded in the specified location of flash memory and does not affect the boot area
 Make image selection via remote control. 
Description relates to the use multiboot startup tuners in the series: 
CUBEREVO 91/900/910/7000/9000HD 
General rules for creating partitions also apply to other Linux tuners, but this description
 is designed for the above mentioned tuners 
Multiboot PTS acts as a multiboot 3.0 pts and 2.0 pts, but I fixed bugs from previous versions and
 DGS I added the HDD and USB. Added 7000HD tuner support is 
Others also assign keys on the remote control 
This version created for implementation BMTeam hence further options for the DGS
 Software compatible with BMT (CRi) implies the existence of swap partition on / dev/sda1, thus
 need to be replaced (in relation to point 1 and 2.0) partition / dev/sda1 on / dev/sda3
What install 
Image can be installed in: 
- FLASH - or in memory of the tuner. 32MB Flash, and it is rather small for enigma2 image, but
 DGS image of the group work in Flash very smoothly. 
DGS software due to the change of name of the manufacturer, is known as CRi. 
Recently an interesting solution to the FLASH image is BMT. But it always pay attention to that in
 FLASH is little room for extras. Image to flash has the extension *. img 
- IDE - that is the hard drive connected to SATA tuner. Is treated as an IDE HDD. Subject
 This 900/910/7000/9000HD tuners. IDE does not occur in the 91HD. On the IDE install software
 for USB or SATA. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) has always recognized by the tuner 
/ Dev / sda, and another partition such as / dev/sda1, / dev/sda2, etc. 
- USB - or, for example on the flash drive connected to the USB tuner. WARNING! hard drive connected
 USB - the USB - and not IDE. Connected to the USB HDD is treated as a pendrive. Depending on
 whether the receiver is a SATA drive (IDE) - or not, otherwise USB is recognized by the tuner.
 If it is IDE, USB is the second time in the system and is recognized as / dev / sdb, and the subsequent
 partitions as / dev/sdb1, / dev/sdb2, etc. 
If there is no IDE, USB is the first and is recognized by the receiver as / dev / sda
 and another partition such as / dev/sda1, / dev/sda2, etc. 
So the partition on the same flash drive can be seen as eg / dev/sda1 (where there is no disk
 ATA (IDE)), or as / dev/sdb1 (after connecting SATA hard drive). This is important when we start
 system with the partition (in multiboocie must choose whether it will be sda1 or sdb1)
 If you are connected to two USB devices (through HUB-a), then they will be called
 sda, sdb (no IDE), or sdb, sdc (IDE) 

Image or what you are installing 
- Image based on DGS (BMT, SifTeam, Vodka, PGI, etc.) - usually to flash. Description of the installation as
 manual tuner. With the exception of BMT, such overrides multiboot image. 
- Image based on DGS version of the USB / SATA - installing on HDD or USB Flash Drive
 - Image based on Enigma 2 (the neutrino). Version flash or USB / SATA 
- Image VDR. Release the USB / SATA (supported by the multiboot ITEM 2.0) 
- Image-based Enigma1. Flash version (supported by the first version of multiboot pts)
Through the media we understand the hard disk or flash drive. For simplicity (for example) have accepted that this is
 The first device in the system (/ dev / sda) 
In another case, a description of how to apply the USB above. 
Partitions can be created in several ways (in Linux, special programs, etc.) 
It is important to share the media. The minimum size of the image is about 256MB, I propose to adopt such
 500MB. Enough space for plug-ins and other extras. 
The system takes four primary partitions sda1, sda2, sda3, sda4. 
If this is not enough, you can use logical partitions, then one of the primary partition (usually
 sda4, but not necessarily) be extended type. 
The next logical partitions will be called / dev/sda5, / dev/sda6, etc. 
Partitions in our system are the type of LINUX (type 83). It should create a SWAP partition (type
 82). SWAP partition will allow the system to extend the RAM portion of the carrier in the form of swaps.
 This increases system stability. 
Format the partition as ext2. In Linux, a command - in the example for the partition sda3:
 mkfs.ext2-b 4096-I 128 / dev/sda3 
Partitions do not format the swap. For example, the SWAP / dev/sda1 give the command
 mkswap / dev/sda1 
Sample distribution of partitions for SATA HDD (IDE) 
sda1 - swap - 500MB 
sda2 - data, video (max) 
sda3 - image1 - 500MB 
sda4 - extended 
sda5 - image2 - 500MB 
sda6 - image3 - 500MB 
Sample distribution of the partition for USB 
sda1 - image1 - 500MB 
sda2 - image2 - 500MB 
sda3 - data (max) 
sda4 - swap - 500MB 
Unpacking the image to USB or SATA 
Image copy of the partition (eg / dev/sda3), for example by ftp 
tar xzf nazwa_image 
After unpacking we Mandatory 2 x command 
- Provides a complete record to force the media. 
The same rules apply for unpacking the image compatible with the DGS to USB or SATA
Multiboot BMT / PKT 3.0 
0 = DGS-FLASH image in accordance with DGS - to flash 
1 = E2 - USB SDA1 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB SDA1 
2 = E2 - USB sda2 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB sda2 
3 = sda3 DGS-HDD image in accordance with the DGS on the HDD sda3 
4 = E2 - FLASH image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) to flash 
5 = E2 - HDD sda5 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) on the SATA hard drive partition sda5
 6 = E2 - HDD sda6 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) on the SATA hard drive partition sda6
 7 = DGS - USB SDA1 image in accordance with the DGS to USB SDA1 
8 = E2 - USB sdb1 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB sdb1 
9 = DGS - USB sdb1 image in accordance with the DGS to USB sdb1 

0 = DGS - FLASH image in accordance with DGS 
For a start image in accordance with DGS in FLASH - that is, just like the factory wanted  (*. img)
 1 = E2 - USB SDA1 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB SDA1 
To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended to USB / SATA. Image 
first upload to the USB, the first partition / dev/sda1 (no IDE drive) 
2 = E2 - USB sda2 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB sda2 
To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended to USB / SATA. Image 
first upload to the USB, the first partition / dev/sda2 (no IDE drive) 
3 = DGS - HDD SDA1 DGS consistent image to the HDD sda3 
To run the image based on DGS intended to USB / SATA. Upload image to disk 
IDE (SATA) partition / dev/sda3 
Does not apply to 91HD (can not install the SATA drive) 
4 = E2 - FLASH image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) - for flash 
To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended for Flash (*. img) 
5 = E2 - HDD sda5 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) on the SATA HDD partition sda5
 To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended to USB / SATA. Image 
upload IDE (SATA) partition / dev/sda5 
Does not apply to 91HD (can not install the SATA drive) 
6 = E2 - HDD sda6 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) on the SATA HDD partition sda6
 To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended to USB / SATA. Image 
upload IDE (SATA) partition / dev/sda6 
Does not apply to 91HD (can not install the SATA drive) 
7 = DGS - USB SDA1 image in accordance with the DGS on the USB partition SDA1 
To run the image based on DGS intended to USB / SATA. Image upload 
The first USB first partition / dev/sda1 
8 = E2 - USB sdb1 image in accordance with emigma2 (neutrino) USB sdb1 
To run the image-based and a neutrino Enigmie2 intended to USB / SATA. Image 
first upload to the USB, the first partition / dev/sdb1 - when we have an IDE drive,
 Or a second USB, the first partition / dev/sdb1 - if we do not have an IDE disk, and have the first
 USB (if you need a USB hub) 
9 = DGS - USB sdb1 image in accordance with the DGS on the USB partition sdb1 
To run the image based on DGS intended to USB / SATA. Image upload to 
First USB, the first partition / dev/sdb1 - when we have an IDE drive, 
Or a second USB, the first partition / dev/sdb1 - if we do not have an IDE disk, and have the first
 USB (if you need a USB hub) 

Multiboot 3.0 pts for the tuners to the IDE drive allows the use of a 5 image (FLASH, 3 HDD, 1
 USB). Possible to use the tuners 900/910/7000/9000HD 
Multiboot 3.0 pts for the tuners without the HDD allows the use of 4 image (FLASH, USB 2 SDA, 1
Unassailable advantage multiboot POINT 3.0 is support for image based on DGS and the USB / SATA
Method calls multiboot 
When the receiver is turned off press the power button for example '0 'on the remote control
 all the time holding down this key to the power switch on the tuner. 
After a while the display shows the desired inscription (after the '0 'will be a DGS-FLASH)
 when you release a key on the remote control. The system saves up to your choice and for subsequent cycles
 will compete with the image already without pressing anything on the remote. 
When you ran the other image then you shall do the same - but with a different key
Multiboot upload POINT 
Just change the name of the multiboot for your tuner on: usb_update.img 
and upload it as an ordinary image. When upload the image to FLASH POINT multiboot
 upload a second after the image. Multiboot POINT area which does not affect the image,
 and the area of 'boot'. Uploading multiboot pts is safe and causes no damage to the tuner,
 bullish on the stock exchange and the death of mother in law. If you happened to be the case - you are lucky: p
Modifications multiboot pts 
The purpose of modifying multiboot ubooteditor_fixb use the most convenient. This version has
 enigmy2 improved handling, added support for enigma 1 and VDR, the amendments to the DGS on the USB / SATA
 Version available on the forum POINT 

I would like to thank the entire teamowi BMT 
and in particular: 
Lareq - for life 
Jaro - for help and testing service DGS USB / SATA 

0 = DGS - FLASH 
1 = E2  - USB SDA1
2 = E2  - USB SDA2
3 = DGS - HDD SDA3
4 = E2  - FLASH
5 = E2  - HDD SDA5
6 = E2  - HDD SDA6
7 = DGS - USB SDA1
8 = E2  - USB SDB1
9 = DGS - USB SDB1


Multiboot POINT PKT/ BMT 4.11

Multiboot POINT / BMT 4.11 - a case report

Multiboot POINT / BMT is used to select which image to boot into HD tuner Cuberevo.
If you do not intend to use a different image than that based on the CRI, the multiboot to anything you need it
Description relates to the use multiboot startup series tuners Cuberevo IPBOX: 91/100/900/910/2000/3000/9000HD
General rules for creating partitions also apply to other Linux tuners, but this description is for the above mentioned tuners
Multiboot PKT / BMT 4.11 works like previous versions of the PKT multiboot, but:
left-only service soft e2 (neutrino) and CRI (former DGS)
-expanded version number to 5 for basic applications
-Added support for display during the boot source selection
-Added support for display on boot
-deleted entries native tuner
-Added automatic detection of the MAC address of the receiver
Start-adjusted soft AAF USB

Multiboot were divided into 5 groups for each.
The current multiboot PKT in the group MIX
1 = CRI - USB SDB1
2 = E2 - USB SDB2
3 = CRI - HDD SDA3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = CRI - HDD SDA5
6 = CRI - HDD SDA6
7 = E2 - HDD SDA7
8 = E2 - HDD SDA8
9 = E2 - HDD SDA9


0 = CRi - FLASH
1 = CRi - USB SDB1
2 = CRi - USB SDB2
3 = CRi - USB SDB3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = CRi - USB SDB5
6 = E2 - USB SDB6
7 = E2 - USB SDB7
8 = E2 - USB SDB8
9 = E2 - USB SDB9


1 = E2 - USB SDA1
2 = E2 - USB SDA2
3 = CRI - HDD SDA3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = E2 - HDD SDA5
6 = E2 - HDD SDA6
7 = CRI - USB SDA1
8 = E2 - USB SDB1
9 = CRI - USB SDB1


0 = CRi - FLASH
1 = CRi - USB SDA1
2 = CRi - USB SDA2
3 = CRi - USB SDA3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = E2 - USB SDA1
6 = E2 - USB SDA2
7 = E2 - USB SDA3
8 = E2 - USB SDA4
9 = CRi - USB SDA4


0 = CRi - FLASH
1 = CRi - USB SDB1
2 = CRi - USB SDB2
3 = CRi - USB SDB3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = E2 - USB SDB1
6 = E2 - USB SDB2
7 = E2 - USB SDB3
8 = E2 - USB SDB4
9 = CRi - USB SDB4

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