Italy leads in HbbTV potential


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Italy leads in HbbTV potential
May 17, 2013 09.47 Europe/London By Chris Dziadul

HbbTV take-up could be higher in Italy than any other leading television market in Western Europe by 2015.

According to Idate, the number of connected TV households among managed broadcast networks in the country may reach 6.8 million, placing it ahead of the UK (6.2 million), France (5.2 million) and Germany (4.8 million).

However, Idate also points out that HbbTV adoption in Italy remains uncertain, as the hybrid platform TivùOn! will use the MHP standard to offer catch-up TV and VOD services to homes receiving DTT packages via terrestrial networks or via the revived Tivùsat satellite platform.

In its DigiWorld 2013 Yearbook, Idate also notes that while few HbbTV services have emerged ton date, adoption of the standard is already very high.

In Germany, for instance, it is supported by 90% of broadcasters. Outside Europe, interest in HbbTV is being shown in Australia, Argentina, a number of Asian countries and the US.

In the latter, there could be a potential 15.9 million connected TV households by 2015.