How to tell where babies come from


Every parent...well...most every parent at some point has
to have that uncomfortable talk with their kids about where
babies come from at some point. Or there is my father's
method of taking me to the zoo during mating season when I
was thirteen.

But this is an issue 36-year-old California mother Alana
Sanders and her husband will not have to deal with. At least
not with her two older children, because Faith and Jabari
Sanders, ages 11 and 9 years, delivered their mom's new baby
for her.

"I never thought that something like this could happen,"
said Faith, a fifth-grader. "Usually, nothing happens every
day. It's the same-old, same-old. But this time something
new and exciting happened."

That morning Alana thought that new and exciting thing was
going to be a bowel movement. Hey, we all get excited by
different things. But when Alana sat down she realized some-
thing else was about to come out.

Alana Sanders told her son to call 911, then she told Faith
to call her father to tell him to come home, but things were
moving too fast. Alana was still standing by the toilet when
after only one push, 9 pounds and 4 ounces of baby Joseph
came out.

The kids talked things over with the 911 dispatcher, got
towels and even tied the umbilical cord.

9 year-old Jabari will have something to talk about for the
rest of his like. "I thought it was kind of cool and weird
because he was born in a bathroom."