how to install evocamd 2.13c on nlb/sifteam image for ip900c?


Senior Member
Hi, where can i download evocamd 2.13 and how do i install it, my mgcamd 1.31 is unstable, the tv stop for 30secs of 60secs exactly randomly, evocamd 2.13 is supposed to be very stable for uk cable and would like to try that but evocamd2.17c is the only version of evocamd available to download in the download list in the panel.

Could the owner of the server for the download list add evocamd 2.13 or can someone link me to it with instructions of how to install it on nlb image and sifteam image.

many thanks!


Well Known Member
because 2.13 old ,and not compatible with sh4.
try to play with your mgcamd config;
or post your mg_cfg maybe someone can help you fix it..


Senior Member
is the evocamd not going to port it to sh4 then? As i dont know anyone who can get pay cable channels in uk to work with evocamd 2.17 or any other version newer than 2.13. Mgcamd gives me signal drops on my dm600c and on my ip900 but evocamd 2.13 on my dm600c is perfect, really need evocamd on ipbox as i lose signal all the time on my ipbox with mgcamd 1.31.

Or is hypercamd or some other good cam coming out soon that i'll be able to use?