How to get PowerVu AutoRoll working with Oscam and Dreambox


Senior Member
Data in columns is easier to read than in rows, especially when the rows become word wrapped. An easier to read file is less prone to mistakes.
Smaller key file size is of absolutely no concern. Increasing the memory size of oscam is a big concern for many people.


...But hey,looks way better than change the way oscam work at the source.
I disagree. It's always better to change the code at the source than to put bandaids on bandaids.

Why suggesting to change oscam source by adding more comments?
It is not necessary...
In my view,making SID field all 0000,and at the same time add tons of relevant comments (comments are all irrelevant at this time,is just a tag),is change one thing for another same.
I never suggested to add comments, I suggested to add a field and change the source, same as joeuser has done.

I can see this isn't the place to suggest these types of mods but I will throw one more out there anyway. The Key Select byte (KS) uses one bit leaving 128 possible Key Groups (KG) without adding any new field. Oscam may already and KS(0x01) if it does then it's already backward compatible though I have not tested it. KG = KS and 0xFE.

I won't bother any more it's a waste of both our time. If anyone out there can compile source contact and wants to make this a better system for PV users in NA contact me.
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Well Known Member
To change the code at the source you must do it PROPERLY,or at the least to seek assistance from those that know a bit about oscam.
There is no bandaids suggested,a bandaid would be a patch that doesn't address all the problems or do not fix it entirely.
If you would know how many scripts run in your dreambox that could be inserted in kernel,modules,devices and so on,you would not buy the box in the first place,following your own logic.
The truth is I am against to change the source unless the patch s really well thought out.

In America,there is a script for this already you will know eventually,but testers is not the place to find it.
Considering couple months ago you knew nothing about dreambox or oscam,by your own admission,it looks yours is the only solution it can ever be,apprently
I think I am clear.
Take my suggestions or not,coders write according to what they are able to imagine,this is why there is always someone more clever than us and can imagine simpler solutions.



Well Known Member
Guys still can't get autoroll to work I'm trying it on B****ed channel on 4.9e so I set the emm keys there but it's not showing the messages in live log, please help.

I've already followed instructions here.


Guys still can't get autoroll to work I'm trying it on B****ed channel on 4.9e so I set the emm keys there but it's not showing the messages in live log, please help.

I've already followed instructions here.
Use the latest oscam emu by joeuser, it works just great. :thum:


Use the latest oscam emu by joeuser, it works just great. :thum:

The latest 11209 patch does NOT work with DVBAPI.
Joeuser has confirmed this to me. OTOH 11205 patch does AU fine with DVBAPI. He is going to work on a fix.


Senior Member
I proved AU was working on oscam 11205 - it took about 30 minutes to update.

I then moved on to oscam 11209 (OK I know the first version didn't work on stream relay), but no AU.

So I've gone back to oscam 11205 with original keys and config.

I've tried several channels for hours at a time but I'm seeing no EMM activity at all in the oscam log (I do get the SEND message).

Could somebody please suggest a good channel to monitor, estimate how often EMMs appear and point me to a good UA key. Or is it just normal (in)activity that I'm witnessing?



Senior Member
Are you sure the keyfile is correct?

For 11205, the UA keys in the SoftCam.Key file must use the SID (srvid) for the channel you are viewing for it to work,

for SID 0x02:

P 0002 00 xxxxxxxxxxxx
P 0002 01 yyyyyyyyyyyy

P 0002 uuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaaa

For my 11209, the UA keys use the groupid

P 00010002 00 xxxxxxxxx
P 00010002 01 yyyyyyyyy

P 0001 uuuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaaa

SID - 0x02 groupid - 0x01

To set emm filters, oscam-emu receives the SID (srvid) which is used to lookup the UA keys in the file.

For 11205, this is done directly.

For 11209, the logic is as follows:

osacm-emu loops through all powervu keys looking for matching sid (ignoring groupid)
if a match is found, the groupid from that key is used to search through all the powervu keys again, to find all UAs associated with that groupid.
loop continues searching in case there are multiple channels with the same SID.

So, if you have lots of UAs for groups which have duplicate sids, you may run into a limit on filters...


Senior Member
Are you sure the keyfile is correct?

Thanks for the detailed reply. No problem with the key format.

Two problems:
On 11205 (mipsoe20), I had a missing EMM key.

For 11209, I installed the openpli40 version but I was not seeing any EMMs with any extended_cw_api setting. So I downloaded the mipsoe20 version which is working fine.

I have a VU+ Duo 2 with OpenPLi4.0.