How to flash E2 1.0-Fix with JaZUp 2.3



It takes me 5 minutes to check and find what has been changed by RTi to prevent JaZUp 2.3 from working.

In fact, JaZUp 2.3 can switch your Azbox into Rescue Mode without any problem but when you give it the patch.e2 version 1.0-Fix it states:

Your AZbox kernel is Enigma2
Your AZbox is in rescue mode
Your .e2 file is corrupt.
JaZUp! is disconnected from your AZBOX

So again JaZUp was safe for your Azbox.

For people that want to use JaZUp 2.3 to flash the box here is how to proceed.

Use an hexadecimal editor (!!! so not a text editor !!!).
Personally I use XVI32 on Windows PC.

Edit the patch.e2 file from version 1.0-Fix and change the very beginning has follow:

Old value: 02 DA 40 01
New value: 02 DA 40 00

Simply replace 01 by 00.

Save the modified file and flash it with JaZUp 2.3.


For people that want to check there modification here is the MD5 checksum after it: 816729D074B338026561EC092FA688CC

If you don't understand what is written over here, please don't try it.
Or use the already modified patch.e2:Megaupload modified image 1.0-Fix for JaZUp 2.3 by baiabdel

Reminder: Here is the download link for JaZUp 2.3 lite, if you already have it or the full, no need to download it again. :)

