Honeymoon period lasts 14 months after marriage


The honeymoon period in a marriage ends after just 14 months, a study into the lives of married couples has revealed.

Researchers found a year and two months after walking down the aisle, couples stop saying 'I love you' as regularly as they did during their courtship.

Around this time women are also likely to wear less make up and start plodding around the house in an unflattering dressing gown.

But the romance dies for men too, this is said to also be the point they begin shaving less often and start leaving the door open when they go to the toilet.

The 14 month point also sees couples beginning to argue more about things like money and future plans… and leaving to loo door open.
A spokesperson for BetterBathrooms.com, which commissioned the study of 2,000 couples, said: "Everyone knows that the honeymoon period is brilliant but the companionship stage that comes after that is in some ways better.

"The intimacy that comes from being comfortable with one another can only be a good thing.

"I think everyone is guilty of not making enough effort after a while but it doesn't take much to get that spark back."