Fan Issue/Problem in the NewDVB DM800SE boxes. RPM Way to high


I tought that this issue maybe had with the IMG. to do. But after testing almost every IMG. possible the problem is still there.
I decided therefore to make a new thread that are more correct.

All the new boxes from NewDVB has this problem with the new Fan they have put into the boxes. (DM800SE)

The Fan will not run under 5900 RPM in any setting. I have now tried with tempfancontrol, Fancontrol 1, Fancontrol 2. In all diffrent Images.
It is still not possible to set the fan to run under 5900 RPM.
I heard that there are more people on the WWW that have this issue, and my wild guess is that there will be alot more of ppl with this kinda problem.

The fan type in this boxes are named: Jin Li Feng 6015, Voltage 12V Current 0.15A. Made in China.

I wonder therefore is there anyone here in Satuniverse,that has the capacity to help us solve this problem?
I think that alot of ppl will be grateful then, including me ofc.

I also want to try to researh this issue on my own,if it is possible, can anyone help me telling me where can I eventually change the settings in a .cfg
Im thinking about where can we eventually reasearch the fansettings file?

If it is impossible to turn down the RPM on these Fans, do anyone have a good link for buying correct fans to the boxes?
That will also appreciated.

Best Regards

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